Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Send Lindsey Graham Packing with Richard Cash! 07/26 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Blog Talk Radio

Send Lindsey Graham Packing with Richard Cash! 07/26 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Blog Talk Radio

It is time to send Senator Lindsey Graham into retirement.  He has become so out of touch with his constituents that he no longer listens to our opinions, desires and wants. There are currently three potential challengers to Graham in next years primary.  Last week, we interviewed State Senator lee Bright and tomorrow we interview Richard Cash at 2pm EST.

The above link will take you to the broadcast and the same link will allow you later to share the podcast to pass around to your friends.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Grahamnesty look out!

On this blog, I have been quiet for too long.  Now is the time to speak out and to seek organization to take back our Republic.

For too long we have been satisfied in our protest marches and TEA Party rallies, but it cost us the last elections. What did that get us? Obamacare, more stimulus and untold executive orders?  Yes, we need to keep up the protests, but now we need to move into a more activist approach.  We need to become community organizers.  Whether you man a phone bank, stuff envelopes, hand out pamphlets or knock on doors, we must mobilize!

Take to the internet and many Conservative and TEA Party sites have links to where you can call for free from your computer for favored Conservative candidates or on issues.  It's time to stop mouthing off and take action.

We sat back in 2012 and didn't vote. Each non-vote became a vote for Obama and every other progressive that came to office.  We allowed them to pass their agenda by sitting on our collective arses and not voting.  Will we do that in 2014?

Will we fail to support Republicans even if we don't agree with 100% of their policies?  Do we really feel that there is a "Perfect" candidate out there?  Even Ronald Reagan wasn't perfect. He passed a failed immigration amnesty bill.

What will you do?  What is your choice and will you put your money where your mouth is?

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Food Police - Jayson Lusk 07/16 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Blog Talk Radio

The Food Police - Jayson Lusk 07/16 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Blog Talk Radio

The Food Police are trying to tell us what we can eat, how we eat and where to buy our foods. THIS IS CRAZY!

Tomorrow my guest will be Jayson Lusk, Professor of Agricultural Economics and FOX News contributor. If you miss the 2pm EST broadcast, the podcast will be available immediately afterwards.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Return of Thomas Paine: Bob Basso 07/09 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Blog Talk Radio

Return of Thomas Paine: Bob Basso 07/09 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Blog Talk Radio

Have you ever caught the YouTube Thomas Paine?  Ever wonder who the actor and creator of the videos was?  Meet Bob Basso, the genius and Patriot that has motivated thousands of people to the cause of Liberty and the Republic.

Join us Tuesday, at 2pm EST.  Our call in number is 917-889-3675

Monday, July 1, 2013

Defending The Republic with Elizabeth Letchworth 07/02 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Blog Talk Radio

Defending The Republic with Elizabeth Letchworth 07/02 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Blog Talk Radio

The Senate immigration bill was rammed down our throats.  However, is it constitutional?  We think not & Speaker Boehner can stop it with a "Blue Slip" which tells the Senate they have overstepped their Constitutional authority.  All bills of spending and revenue MUST originate in the House, not Senate!

That said, should we delve into to crony-capitalism, earmarks and stimulus in the bill that has nothing to do with immigration?   Or should we discuss the fast track to legalization that shoves legal immigrants 12 years behind illegals?

Join Cool Mike and Elizabeth B. Letchworth tomorrow at 2pm ET as we discuss Immigration Reform and current issues in a rousing discourse!