Honoring the Victims of Nine Eleven
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Hate Monger, Hoffa, Stumps for Obama
Obama's Labor Day Message....
Confucius say...
This land is your land, this land is...
click to enlarge
Search Results for "Achievements of Barack Obama"
*click image to enlarge*
BREAKING NEWS: Obama Declares N.C. Disaster Area
BREAKING: Obama's leave Martha's Vineyard early...
The Lost Commandments 11-20
Kool Aid Drinkers Pose the Biggest Threat to our Republic
Reporter asks Obama "Why are you vacationing now?"
Super Committee's First Order of Business
Obama's Never-Ending List of Excuses
Obama Campaign Announces New and Fitting Slogan

Out of the Mouths of Babes
If It Ain't on Google, It's Nowhere!
Respect the Presidency? Of Course! The President, No!
Smith & Wesson's - The Politician
The Accomplishments of Barack Obama
Independence Day 2011
Happy Father's Day
No Wonder the Muslim Extremist's are So Pissed Off
In Memory of the Brave and Fallen
Such a Sad Future for Our Children
This Freaking Idiot Has to GO!
The "L" Word
A Very Little Weiner Poem
The One-Term Idiot
Netanyahu - Now the Leader of the Free World
The LOOK of a Liar. The Names May Change...
The LOOK is the Same
Mother's Day
A cartoon about Obama you might like: