Lindsey Graham Must Go! So Says Lt. Col. Bill Connor! 11/29 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts
We continue with our Lindsey Graham Must Go! campaign with an interview of Senate Candidate Bill Connor.
Freedom Of Speech
Friday, November 29, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Youtube Pulls Graham Challenger’s Video « Javan Browder « The South Carolina Conservative
Youtube Pulls Graham Challenger’s Video « Javan Browder « The South Carolina Conservative
Why did pu1l this video????? We'll ask Bill O'Connor on Friday, 11/29 at 2pm.
BTW - We booked Bill weeks before YouTube pulled this stunt!
Why did pu1l this video????? We'll ask Bill O'Connor on Friday, 11/29 at 2pm.
BTW - We booked Bill weeks before YouTube pulled this stunt!
Monday, November 25, 2013
How do you battle the Obamacare fanatics?
are hundreds of flaws in Obamacare.
To begin with, we already offer free healthcare prior to the Obamacare debacle. Any person can go to any hospital emergency room and they by law MUST be treated. if they show up with just a cold, they must be seen and treated. They may sit waiting for several hours, while serious emergency cases are tended to, and if they have no insurance or means of payment, at intake, they are issued a Medicaid Card and the bill is send to Uncle Sam. Furthermore, local communities, especially in poorer neighborhoods operate clinics, where doctors and staff often serve pro bono (donated services) with low cost or often free services.
Many religious congregations also operate free or discounted clinics, reaching beyond their neighborhoods into poorer areas. For those who choose to not go to the hospital or use these clinics, many doctors will see them at discounted rates, for some as pro bono or offer a payment plan. So we do have healthcare already for every person be they legal or illegal citizens. What Obamacare does is reduce the number of doctors and other medical personal by up to 70% while increasing the number of people in the system. For those entering the system under Medicaid (free) it does not prevent abuse of services. In many markets already the number of paying patients versus Medicaid recipients entering varies 50% to 70% joining Medicaid over purchasing a policy.
Obamacare also forces patients to pay for services
that never will use. As a woman, I don't need prostrate exams and at
my age I don't need fertility care, pre natal or child care. Forcing me
to purchase that is akin to saying when you go to the grocery store you
must pay for coffee, soda and other mandatory items, but you can't use
them or take them with you to VOLUNTARILY give away to someone else,
much less sell them to someone else or seek a refund from the company.
Obamacare has provisions to CONSCRIPT labor of any individual for any reason without having to compensate those persons for that labor. Last I knew, that is called slavery and we did abolish that in 1865 with a little skirmish called the "Civil War".
Obamacare has warrant-less searches of our homes. If the person is found to have items, be it food, beverages, books, weapons, music or anything that is deemed "detrimental" in the opinion of the person doing the search (who is NOT a law enforcement officer, but a politically selected person) the patient could be fined, jailed and even have their children permanently removed and placed in child services to be raised as government sees fit.
Already Obamacare has seen MILLIONS of people lose their private insurance, which they were very happy with. Obamacare has changed deductibles from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands. Monthly rates in many cases is higher than persons rent or mortgage.
Obamacare rations care, favoring individuals between the ages of 16 to 45 years. For everyone else, they must have their care approved by a panel selected by the government (current administration) and they are not Doctors, but faceless clerks. Doctors when they see a patient, before they can prescribe treatment or medication, they must have it approved by the same panels. If they fail to do so, imagine a heart attack victim awaiting panel approval, they are 1st fined, the 2nd time, the fine is extremely steep, the 3rd time the doctor is jailed. BTW, there are over 65 different panels.
When you file your income taxes, you must answer extremely personal and private information. I could go on for hours as to what is wrong with Obamacare, but I think after the 1st 100 words, your eyes must be glassing over.
Yes, I read the Senate & House version of the bill, long before Representative Nancy Pelosi famously said, "We must pass it (the bill) so we can know what's in it..." That is preciously arse backward. Read it, debate it, fix it up, than pass it. What we still have failed to learn as a nation, it big government will inevitably just about always get it wrong!
To begin with, we already offer free healthcare prior to the Obamacare debacle. Any person can go to any hospital emergency room and they by law MUST be treated. if they show up with just a cold, they must be seen and treated. They may sit waiting for several hours, while serious emergency cases are tended to, and if they have no insurance or means of payment, at intake, they are issued a Medicaid Card and the bill is send to Uncle Sam. Furthermore, local communities, especially in poorer neighborhoods operate clinics, where doctors and staff often serve pro bono (donated services) with low cost or often free services.
Many religious congregations also operate free or discounted clinics, reaching beyond their neighborhoods into poorer areas. For those who choose to not go to the hospital or use these clinics, many doctors will see them at discounted rates, for some as pro bono or offer a payment plan. So we do have healthcare already for every person be they legal or illegal citizens. What Obamacare does is reduce the number of doctors and other medical personal by up to 70% while increasing the number of people in the system. For those entering the system under Medicaid (free) it does not prevent abuse of services. In many markets already the number of paying patients versus Medicaid recipients entering varies 50% to 70% joining Medicaid over purchasing a policy.

Obamacare has provisions to CONSCRIPT labor of any individual for any reason without having to compensate those persons for that labor. Last I knew, that is called slavery and we did abolish that in 1865 with a little skirmish called the "Civil War".
Obamacare has warrant-less searches of our homes. If the person is found to have items, be it food, beverages, books, weapons, music or anything that is deemed "detrimental" in the opinion of the person doing the search (who is NOT a law enforcement officer, but a politically selected person) the patient could be fined, jailed and even have their children permanently removed and placed in child services to be raised as government sees fit.
Already Obamacare has seen MILLIONS of people lose their private insurance, which they were very happy with. Obamacare has changed deductibles from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands. Monthly rates in many cases is higher than persons rent or mortgage.
Obamacare rations care, favoring individuals between the ages of 16 to 45 years. For everyone else, they must have their care approved by a panel selected by the government (current administration) and they are not Doctors, but faceless clerks. Doctors when they see a patient, before they can prescribe treatment or medication, they must have it approved by the same panels. If they fail to do so, imagine a heart attack victim awaiting panel approval, they are 1st fined, the 2nd time, the fine is extremely steep, the 3rd time the doctor is jailed. BTW, there are over 65 different panels.
When you file your income taxes, you must answer extremely personal and private information. I could go on for hours as to what is wrong with Obamacare, but I think after the 1st 100 words, your eyes must be glassing over.
Yes, I read the Senate & House version of the bill, long before Representative Nancy Pelosi famously said, "We must pass it (the bill) so we can know what's in it..." That is preciously arse backward. Read it, debate it, fix it up, than pass it. What we still have failed to learn as a nation, it big government will inevitably just about always get it wrong!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Mr Obama, This Is Wrong - I Hate Silly People, Too!
My Letter To Obama
Mr. President,
When you were elected to the Senate and took office in 2005, I was curious. When as Senator, you railed against raising the debt ceiling, I said YES! Yet, as President you fought to remove the debt ceiling and I cried out, NO!
When as Senator, you fought to keep the Filibuster; I cried out, YES, He gets it. Yesterday, when you supported Senator Reid in killing it and in moments after its removal, placed more than 30 nominations before the Senate, I cried for our Nation.
As Senator, you voted against The Patriot Act, and I said he understands the Constitution. Yet, as President, you extended it. You allowed the warrantless NSA spying on innocent American Citizens on our soil. You allowed the IRS harassment of lawful citizens seeking to voice their political views.
As Senator, you said Lobbyists would not influence or work at the White House. As President, they are more bountiful in the White House and on K Street than cockroaches in a filthy slum apartment.
Sir, when you began your campaign for the Office of the President, I reflected back to growing up during the race riots and Civil Right Marches thinking, we finally made that last step to equality. Then, I began to listen to your speeches to learn more about you. That is when you frightened me.
You spoke of “Spreading the wealth”. Those of us who worked hard to achieve our goals through honest labor have no qualms with voluntary charitable donations to valid causes. Causes which work to elevate the neediest to once again become productive members of society, while supporting the weakest who are unable to achieve those goals. To make mandatory that we financially fund programs that promote dependence on government handouts, not only creates a generational cycle of dependency, but is outright theft from tax paying citizens.
You own Obamacare, thus control the very health and welfare of our citizens. That is outright Socialism. Government has no right to determine the health needs of my person, or to enter my dwelling to inspect it without a warrant, or to conscript my labor, all of which is in the bill. I read both the House and Senate bill long before Representative Pelosi said, “But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”
Rather than reaching across the aisle to hear sensible plans to ease the burden of rising medical costs, such as Tort Reform, across the state border plans or any of the 36 plans placed on the House floor, you implemented an overreaching bill, which by 2017 will cost an estimated 125 Million Americans their health plans, forcing all of us into a single payer government plan. More government dependence is foisted upon us!.
I weep for our Nation as we sink in stature on the International stage and our enemies gleefully dance in the streets calling for our blood to run freely on the ground. I scream in frustration as scandal after scandal flutter across our eyes with no true investigations or repercussions for the perpetrators.
I do not oppose you because of your race. I oppose you for your policies and actions. Where I once saw hope and a future for our “shining city upon the hill”, I have instead found destruction and misery.
You promised transparency, but all I can find are smoke & mirrors to keep us stumbling blind in the dark.
Today, I weep for our Nation and I will continue to pray for her survival as a true Democratic Republic. I will continue to seek out leadership with the welfare of America first and foremost, their true intention, not just those who seek the glory of holding elected office. My voice will continue to speak out for justice and truth, urging these leaders to adhere to our Constitution and to enforce our laws based upon their Constitutionality and meted out equally to all citizens.
I have hope for change that our Nation is fundamentally changed, changed forever to its founding principles that made us the greatest nation in the world. Far too many brave heroes have sacrificed their lives for the principles and freedoms that make these United States of America unique. Those vaulted spirits cannot be ignored.
Sir, if you close your eyes while you sit in the Oval Office, you just may hear them call out for you to make the right choices. But, if you can’t hear them, as I do, then maybe, in the end I am right in opposing all that you have come to stand for, a path to Socialism.
Ann Ubelis
After I wrote this letter and posted it on Facebook, I got inundated with game invites on Facebook. I usually get several a day, but today, it rubbed my last nerve! I posted this!
AARRGGHHHHH!!! I love y'all, but PLEASE stop sending me game invites! I barely have time to wipe my arse. I don't need to spend time filtering out nonsensical games.
My purpose is to help send our Nation back on the "Right" path and when that happens, I will be more than happy to play silly games again.
When I can do that, we will all celebrate with a game and silly notes orgy, because our freedoms & liberties will no longer be in jeopardy.
If you think I am being extreme, then get back to me when your health care is cancelled, when you fill out our 1040 statement and find odd questions having nothing to do with your income on it, when you find your taxes rise, Doctor retire, cost of gas and milk skyrocket and your child come home with a school book that tells them white people didn't vote for Obama because of his race.
Oh wait, they already do! Read for yourself!
7 years ago, I was happy go lucky and never thought our nation would devolve to this level. 5 years ago, I was cautious, but optimistic that we will survive? 2 years ago, I was glad I had girded for the political battle and have no qualms in yanking you into the reality of the real desolation of our Republic and dragging you into the fight.
So go ahead, send me your senseless game or whatever invite, be prepared for my dose of reality.
If you take one 10th of your energy playing these silly games and apply them to saving your country, we can defeat Obamacare, Immigration reform, Taxation, Over-regulation and every other National Ill!
Lord knows, I dream about the days I was blissfully happy to play these computer games. Will you help me to regain those days we all can be content and safe to do so, knowing that our government and private lives are once more secure?
Ann Ubelis
Bring It On!
Mr. President,
When you were elected to the Senate and took office in 2005, I was curious. When as Senator, you railed against raising the debt ceiling, I said YES! Yet, as President you fought to remove the debt ceiling and I cried out, NO!
When as Senator, you fought to keep the Filibuster; I cried out, YES, He gets it. Yesterday, when you supported Senator Reid in killing it and in moments after its removal, placed more than 30 nominations before the Senate, I cried for our Nation.
As Senator, you voted against The Patriot Act, and I said he understands the Constitution. Yet, as President, you extended it. You allowed the warrantless NSA spying on innocent American Citizens on our soil. You allowed the IRS harassment of lawful citizens seeking to voice their political views.
As Senator, you said Lobbyists would not influence or work at the White House. As President, they are more bountiful in the White House and on K Street than cockroaches in a filthy slum apartment.
Sir, when you began your campaign for the Office of the President, I reflected back to growing up during the race riots and Civil Right Marches thinking, we finally made that last step to equality. Then, I began to listen to your speeches to learn more about you. That is when you frightened me.
You spoke of “Spreading the wealth”. Those of us who worked hard to achieve our goals through honest labor have no qualms with voluntary charitable donations to valid causes. Causes which work to elevate the neediest to once again become productive members of society, while supporting the weakest who are unable to achieve those goals. To make mandatory that we financially fund programs that promote dependence on government handouts, not only creates a generational cycle of dependency, but is outright theft from tax paying citizens.
You own Obamacare, thus control the very health and welfare of our citizens. That is outright Socialism. Government has no right to determine the health needs of my person, or to enter my dwelling to inspect it without a warrant, or to conscript my labor, all of which is in the bill. I read both the House and Senate bill long before Representative Pelosi said, “But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”
Rather than reaching across the aisle to hear sensible plans to ease the burden of rising medical costs, such as Tort Reform, across the state border plans or any of the 36 plans placed on the House floor, you implemented an overreaching bill, which by 2017 will cost an estimated 125 Million Americans their health plans, forcing all of us into a single payer government plan. More government dependence is foisted upon us!.
I weep for our Nation as we sink in stature on the International stage and our enemies gleefully dance in the streets calling for our blood to run freely on the ground. I scream in frustration as scandal after scandal flutter across our eyes with no true investigations or repercussions for the perpetrators.
I do not oppose you because of your race. I oppose you for your policies and actions. Where I once saw hope and a future for our “shining city upon the hill”, I have instead found destruction and misery.
You promised transparency, but all I can find are smoke & mirrors to keep us stumbling blind in the dark.
Today, I weep for our Nation and I will continue to pray for her survival as a true Democratic Republic. I will continue to seek out leadership with the welfare of America first and foremost, their true intention, not just those who seek the glory of holding elected office. My voice will continue to speak out for justice and truth, urging these leaders to adhere to our Constitution and to enforce our laws based upon their Constitutionality and meted out equally to all citizens.
I have hope for change that our Nation is fundamentally changed, changed forever to its founding principles that made us the greatest nation in the world. Far too many brave heroes have sacrificed their lives for the principles and freedoms that make these United States of America unique. Those vaulted spirits cannot be ignored.
Sir, if you close your eyes while you sit in the Oval Office, you just may hear them call out for you to make the right choices. But, if you can’t hear them, as I do, then maybe, in the end I am right in opposing all that you have come to stand for, a path to Socialism.
Ann Ubelis
After I wrote this letter and posted it on Facebook, I got inundated with game invites on Facebook. I usually get several a day, but today, it rubbed my last nerve! I posted this!
AARRGGHHHHH!!! I love y'all, but PLEASE stop sending me game invites! I barely have time to wipe my arse. I don't need to spend time filtering out nonsensical games.
My purpose is to help send our Nation back on the "Right" path and when that happens, I will be more than happy to play silly games again.
When I can do that, we will all celebrate with a game and silly notes orgy, because our freedoms & liberties will no longer be in jeopardy.
If you think I am being extreme, then get back to me when your health care is cancelled, when you fill out our 1040 statement and find odd questions having nothing to do with your income on it, when you find your taxes rise, Doctor retire, cost of gas and milk skyrocket and your child come home with a school book that tells them white people didn't vote for Obama because of his race.
Oh wait, they already do! Read for yourself!
7 years ago, I was happy go lucky and never thought our nation would devolve to this level. 5 years ago, I was cautious, but optimistic that we will survive? 2 years ago, I was glad I had girded for the political battle and have no qualms in yanking you into the reality of the real desolation of our Republic and dragging you into the fight.
So go ahead, send me your senseless game or whatever invite, be prepared for my dose of reality.
If you take one 10th of your energy playing these silly games and apply them to saving your country, we can defeat Obamacare, Immigration reform, Taxation, Over-regulation and every other National Ill!
Lord knows, I dream about the days I was blissfully happy to play these computer games. Will you help me to regain those days we all can be content and safe to do so, knowing that our government and private lives are once more secure?
Ann Ubelis
Bring It On!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Defending The Republic: Ilya Katz For Congress 11/22 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts
Defending The Republic: Ilya Katz For Congress 11/22 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts
Facebook limited my ability to tell you about an exciting show. Join me and Ilya Katz he runs for Congress from FL-18
Awesome humorist and Cold War Soviet Union refugee
You will not be disappointed nor bored!
Facebook limited my ability to tell you about an exciting show. Join me and Ilya Katz he runs for Congress from FL-18
Awesome humorist and Cold War Soviet Union refugee
You will not be disappointed nor bored!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Defending The Republic: Obamacare ??? Will It Work? 11/19 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts
Defending The Republic: Obamacare ??? Will It Work? 11/19 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts
Has your health insurance been cancelled? Were you able to sign up on the (Un) Affordable HealthCare Act? Were you a victim of the more than 500 fraudulent websites?
We want your stories.
Join us tomorrow with Yolanda Burroughs-Vestal & Mike Elias Call in number at 2pm is 917-889-3675
Has your health insurance been cancelled? Were you able to sign up on the (Un) Affordable HealthCare Act? Were you a victim of the more than 500 fraudulent websites?
We want your stories.
Join us tomorrow with Yolanda Burroughs-Vestal & Mike Elias Call in number at 2pm is 917-889-3675
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Obama: Fact of Fiction with Rudy Davis & Miki Booth 11/15 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts
Obama: Fact of Fiction with Rudy Davis & Miki Booth 11/15 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts
Main Stream Media continues to ignore the facts and even FOX News has dropped the ball. So much harm can be undone, by the direct challenge to Barack Obama's eligibility to be President.
So, why is he still being shielded?
We ask Miki Booth and Rudy Davis. The answers will astound you!
Main Stream Media continues to ignore the facts and even FOX News has dropped the ball. So much harm can be undone, by the direct challenge to Barack Obama's eligibility to be President.
So, why is he still being shielded?
We ask Miki Booth and Rudy Davis. The answers will astound you!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Doug Briney, Rides Again: Super Country Cowboy 11/12 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts
Doug Briney, Rides Again: Super Country Cowboy 11/12 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts
OK, last week we tried to debut Doug Briney's new album, but between my internet provider and the trolls in my computer, we could only play one song. We'll we excised the trolls and other evil spirits and chastised the internet provider and today we take another stab.
Doug is so gracious as to return today and we get to have some fun with him! Join us today or catch the podcast...... You never know what will happen...........
OK, last week we tried to debut Doug Briney's new album, but between my internet provider and the trolls in my computer, we could only play one song. We'll we excised the trolls and other evil spirits and chastised the internet provider and today we take another stab.
Doug is so gracious as to return today and we get to have some fun with him! Join us today or catch the podcast...... You never know what will happen...........
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Racism In America? The White Voice Joseph Adams 11/08 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts
Racism In America? The White Voice Joseph Adams 11/08 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts
What makes a Black Separatist different from La Raza or a White Separatist? NOTHING! They are all bigots and are destroying the American Dream!
Join me tomorrow as we expose the hypocrisy of bigots of all races and genders!
What makes a Black Separatist different from La Raza or a White Separatist? NOTHING! They are all bigots and are destroying the American Dream!
Join me tomorrow as we expose the hypocrisy of bigots of all races and genders!
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