Monday, June 19, 2017

What's In The Drinking Water? It Ain't Sanity!

What's In The Drinking Water? It Ain't Sanity! | Ann Ubelis | Pulse | LinkedIn

I can honestly say, I've
never seen a world gone so bat crazy, in my lifetime. And yet, countless
people must have said is since the days of Adam and Eve being evicted
from the Garden of Eden.

The crazies are running the institution and it will take level headed
people like you and me to start to bring this nation, if not the world
back to a sense of some sanity.

We need to stress to our youth and contemporaries, that certain
behaviors are unacceptable as social norms and other behaviors are
outright criminal, worthy of the full prosecution thereof by the law!

  • The attempted assassination of members of Congress and murder of innocents is criminal and unacceptable!
  • The placing of bounties on the heads of political opponents is
    unacceptable and should a single person be harmed, criminally culpable!
  • The rampant destruction we saw in the Berkley College riots,
    Fergusan & Baltimore riots, Occupy and Black Lives Matter protest
    are criminal and unacceptable.
  • The mandate for Safe Spaces on public compasses in the land of Free
    Speech is unacceptable. Free speech is a two way street, but sides have
    the same rights.
  • We have Freedom of Religion and the free expression thereof not
    being prohibited, not Freedom FROM Religion. Anything less is
You get my drift, I bet by now!

In our next podcast, we will tackle some of these issues and more
with a powerhouse panel of Conservative minds. You are welcome to join
us by calling in live during the broadcast and join the conversation to

For more details go to the show page and bookmark it! Also pass it
along to friends and if you wish, foes. Just maybe we may change their
hearts and minds back to the bright "right" side.