Saturday, September 19, 2009

912 and We The People

The World Trade Center, also known as the Twin Towers, in New York City was attacked not once, but twice by Muslim terrorists.  None can forget September 11,2001, but the first time, was February 26, 1993.
It was a snowy morning and I was in uniform, on duty as a New York City Police Officer.  Shorty before the attack, I had broken my shoulder and was stuck to desk bound duty.  When the bomb went off, and before the teletype or radio called for re-enforcements, citywide, we knew it was bad.  Like a dumb rock, I could only monitor the radio and help cover the phones as frightened people, friends and family members called us.
Current New York City Police Department PBA President Patrick Lynch was the Community Affair’s Officer of our command, the 90th Precinct in Brooklyn, NY.  He and several other community officers rushed to the scene within moments of the bomb’s detonation and worked the emergency response before the city-wide call went out from emergency dispatch for assistance.
On 9/11, 2001, I was already retired and living in the south, when we were attacked the second time.  It was never in doubt, that before the second plane hit that Police Officer Lynch and others just like him were responding to the Towers and active in the rescue efforts.
They, not me, are the heroes!  They deserve your thanks.  I only hope, what I have created in this video helps give them and you a voice.

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