Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Now You See Me, Now You Don't!

Wow, just what is the Obama Admin doing?  They have us running in so many directions it's making us dizzy.  And you now what?  As they send us off in one direction as they attack us from another & they found a way to succeed!

Using slight of hand they get us to focus on one main issue as they slide several others past us.  Guy's, this is not a card game, but a game of chess or backgammon where sub-plays are always in action.  We each must be able to multi-task and keep our eyes on all of the juggling balls:

Oil Spill in the Gulf
ETC - Shall I go on????  You can fill in the rest -

Don't let the MSM hoodwink you, nor Obama's people!  Let's keep holding their feet to the fire and not let any of this BS slip past!

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