Freedom Of Speech
Thursday, August 19, 2010
More Americans Believe Obama is Muslim & Socialist!
This, I feel had opened the door for Sharia Law gaining a foothold in America. The difference between the two is that Hasdic Laws only affected those of the Jewish Hasidim Orthodox religion. Radical Islam wants Sharia Law to apply to all Americans.
Progressive Judges in Blue States continually ignore the Constitutional Federal and State laws and bend to the creeping Sharia into our legal system and noted in recent news items. Blend into that the knowledge that President Obama was taught in an Islamic School in Indonesia the Islamic faith and Sharia Law. Take into consideration that every time he travels to a Muslim country, he does not bring his wife, which under that faith is prohibited. Remember President Obama bowing to the Saudi King, the defacto leader of the Islamic faithful in that country? Or shall we mention the canceling of the "National Prayer Service Breakfast". but the allowance of the Muslim Prayer Day in the Washington Mall?
His appearances and performance in visiting Mosques and Islamic audiences should be looked at carefully. To put the proverbial “fork” into the matter, take into consideration his flimsy statements pertaining to the planned “Ground Zero” mosque. Would he not have served the American people better if he had stated in his speech, “That although Iman Rauf has the Constitutional right to build his mosque on the congregations property, we ask that he considers the moral right he and his congregation have to honor the American sacred ground of the tragedy of the 9/11 terror attacks, the close to 3000 victims, their family and the voice of the American people. We urge the Iman to enter into talks with the City and State of New York to find an alternative site for the wonderful multi-cultural center.”
The building that is to be the new mosque has never been searched for victims of the 9/11 attacks and was the site where the plan’s landing gear crashed through. It is part of Ground Zero and no one knows how many unclaimed remains are yet to be found inside.
To add to the Muslim leanings of this administration, we must call into consideration the questionable background and associations of Iman Rauf. Several watchdog groups have uncovered areas that warrant further investigation. These watchdog groups urged caution when the State Department hired Iman Rauf to make a 5 Mid-East nation tour. Rauf refuses to denounce Hamas and Hezbollah.
Although President Obama attended Reverend Wrights radical church, he has yet shown where he was Baptized as a Christian.
As for his Socialist beliefs? One only has to read his two books, listen to his numerous lectures and pre-Presidential election speeches. Need I remind anyone of the “Joe the Plumber” encounter of “spreading the wealth”? Add into the pot the numerous appointments to his cabinet, federal agencies and the Supreme Court? Can we say “Van Jones”?
During the Presidential Democratic Primary race between Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama, a certain talk show radio host mounted the “Stop Hillary Train”. At that time, I repeatedly screamed at the radio and wrote to this host’s show, that he didn’t know just what type of Pandora’s Box he was opening. We knew the lesser devil we would get, should Hillary get elected, we then were only to begin to learning the of the potential devil we now have ended up with as President.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Stop The Mosque At Ground Zero!
However, that said, we must understand why they are so insistent on that location. It is the tradition of all Islam to build a mosque directly upon the place of victory and conquest. This is the very reason why we must use any and all methods to prevent it from being built and to take a hard look at any alternative locations offered in the future!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
New Talk Radio Show Comes To The Low Country
A new online conservative talk radio premiered in Beaufort on Tuesday, August 10th called “Southern Sense”. Operated by Jani and Ann Ubelis of Lady’s Island, they launched the new site with the intention of giving the Low Country and South Carolina a voice. For their first show they interviewed Judge Murray M. Silver, retired of Hilton Head. Judge Silver was a prominent civil rights attorney in Atlanta and appointed to the bench by President Jimmy Carter. He is the author of the book, “Daddy King and Me” and the online blog, “LegalEagle”. Judge Silver’s book is currently on sale at Bay Street Traders where he will be signing his book on September 12th from 2pm to 4pm along with Lenny McAllister, author of “Diary of a Mad Black P.Y.C. (Proud Young Conservative)”. Both Judge Silver and Lenny McAllister will be guest speakers at the Beaufort Tea Parties September 12th Rally in the Henry C.Chambers Waterfront Park at 1pm. Details of the event can be found on Tea Party web site at .
Through online social networking Ann Ubelis has built a following which encouraged her and her husband to start the radio program. She credits this networking for giving her the opportunity to meet people such as Judge Silver and Lenny McAllister. This Tuesday, August 17th, “Southern Sense” will interview both Jane Kenny of the Bluffton Tea Party and Rowena Booker of the South Carolina Black Conservative Movement together. Ms. Ubelis is co-founder of the Beaufort Tea Party and it’s web master, which will make Tuesday’s program fun and interesting. Starting Friday, August 20th “Southern Sense” will initiate “Freaky Friday” where they will take caller and allow people to speak out on the weeks events, opinion pieces and prominent issues. Callers can reach the show at 917-889-3675 during their broadcast times. To listen in go to http://www.BlogTalkRadio-southern-sense from 2pm to 3pm on Tuesdays and Fridays. Don’t worry if you can’t tune-in live. Simply go to the web site at anytime and you can listen at your leisure or download it to iTunes or your iPod.
What’s in the future? Jani & Ann Ubelis are hoping to reach out to local musicians and authors to feature their original works on the program. Anyone interested can reach them at .
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
HEADLINE NEWS - Hero HiJack Pilot Reginald Levy At 88 Dies
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AP Photo - May 9, 1972 |
On May 8, 1972 Captain Reginald Levy, a pilot for Belgian Airlines Sabena, woke up. It was his 50th birthday. On that day, he captained a flight from Brussels bound for Tel Aviv, Israel with 90 passengers. Among those passengers on the Boeing 707 were four heavily armed Black September hijackers. Mid-flight they struck.
Also among the passengers was Captain Levy's wife, Dora. May 8th was also their wedding anniversary and they planned to celebrate in Tel Aviv with a special dinner.
The terrorist ordered Captain Levy to land at now Ben Gurion Airport and threatened to blow up the airplane if Israel didn't release over 300 Palestinian prisoners. After talking calmly with the hijackers, Captain Levy was sent to the Israeli authorities with a sample of their explosives to show that they were serious. Among the responding Israeli commandos where Ehud Barak, Israel's current Defense Minister and BeBe Netanyahu, the current Prime Minister. In detail, Captain Levy described to them the number of terrorists, their positions and weaponry.
For 23 hours the Palestinian terrorists held the hostages until the commandos stormed the plane, shooting two of them dead and capturing the remaining two members. No hostages were killed. After the attack, Captain Levy was quoted as saying, "Every one of us is lucky to be alive. I've had some tough times, but this was my toughest."

After the hijacking, Captain Levy was targeted by Black September, causing his parents and sister to flee England and eventually settling in Israel. However, Captain Levy and his brave wife remained and he continued to fly until his retirement in 1982. The day before his death, he called to tell ask his daughter to tell Israeli President Perez that he received his personal letter. The next day he suffered the fatal heart attack.
Don't you think he is worthy of our honor and respect? I do!
אתה נח בכלי הנשק של אלוהים, עכשיו הטל סרן.