Monday, October 25, 2010

What The Left Fails To Understand About Tea Parties

A recent article got my blood boiling!  Amy Gardner of the Washington Post fails to understand the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement.  Read the article here.

This is my response:

Ms. Gardner,

It is a shame that you did not attempt to contact our group.  I am sure that I would have been able to assist you in your research into the Tea Parties.  We are easy to find on the Tea Party Nation web site as well as a simple Google search.  The web page, which I maintain is located at

Additionally, you can listen to my radio broadcast discussing Tea Parties with two other group leaders at

Next, you can listen this coming Wed morn to Lenny McAllister, as he & I discuss the Tea Party movement on the radio at

Just as the Revolutionary War began as in ideal and over 2 decades built into our independence, we are slowly changing the face of the nation back to what our founding fathers envisioned for this great country.  We DO NOT advocate violence, nor accept bigoted or improper behavior!

As we advocate conservative values, we spread an ideal, reminding our fellow Americans just what made us great.  It was conservative values that led to abolition and woman's suffragette.  We remind people just how precious our liberties are and how easily they can be snatched from us.

Our strength is in the fact that we are not organized into a single party or organization.  No one individual or group can claim all Tea Parties, therefor, none may control us.  Our diversity is our strength. For example, Beaufort and Bluffton Tea Parties will not align with or endorse any political party or candidate, where as Hilton Head will.  Yet, we unite enforce to promote our core beliefs. Tea Parties are united behind themes of:

Limited Government
Fiscal Responsibility
Individual Liberty & Responsibility
Free Market Economy
Adherence to the Constitution and principles of the Declaration of Independence

Our purpose is to Educate & Motivate: 

Educate the voters on upcoming and existing legislation and candidates.  We get them interested in the issues as well as our history as a nation. 

Motivate the voters to act by getting to the polling places as well as using all avenues of communication with their elected officials, government regulators and media to get their voices heard.

The beauty of the Tea Party is we do not mandate membership to participate.  Our web membership may number in the hundreds or less, but our reach is in the thousands.  Grandma on the couch can email her congressman and influence a vote much easier than a picketer outside the White House.  We are diverse people and groups, yet we unite in purpose.

We were the Silent Majority and because we were silent, we allowed policies to be implemented that has driven the nation in a direction that is not acceptable.  We have rediscovered our voice and will be silent no longer. 

Please feel free to contact me should you desire further insight into the Tea Party Movement.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

OMG! Michelle Obama, Esq. Doesn't Know Her Law?

Give me a break.  Michelle Obama was admitted to the Illinois Bar Association in 1989 and worked supporting her husbands electoral  campaigns, yet doesn't know she can't campaign in a polling place in the State of Illinois?  Just who is she kidding?  The Board of Elections posts signs establishing a "Campaign Free Zone".  Is it possible this Harvard Educated Attorney and inactive member of the Illinois Bar Association failed to understand the simple three word sign declaring a "Campaign Free Zone"? I find it very hard to believe she is so naive.

We are speaking of an intelligent, educated woman who has stood at her husband side campaigning from the start.  She knows the laws and the main stream media is turning a blind eye to her flagrant actions.  The Illinois Board of Elections has a pamphlet on Voter Fraud which is explicit about preventing Electioneering in a "Campaign Free Zone".  As First Lady of this Nation, she does know better and must be held to a higher standard.  Let's see if the Board of Elections in Illinois has the courage to act accordingly.

Read Matt Drudge on this item:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Despite Everything, There Is Hope In The World

While 8 teenager,s who are members of the "Latin Kings Goonies", brutally attacked, beaten, tortured and sodomized two teenage boys and an adult male in New York City, the world continued to count the days that 33 miners remained trapped in a collapsed mine in Chile.

Rescue workers from across the world, including America, responded to calls for assistance bravely issued by President Sebastian Pinera of Chile.  (This is a lesson President Obama should learn following the debacle of the BP spill.)  Predicting a rescue by Christmas, these brave men and women worked around the clock and beat the time clock by more than 2 months!  Yesterday, the first miner emerged from his entombment to tears, cheers and hugs.

Over the next weeks and months stories of the 70 day ordeal of the miners and rescue workers will be told.  Stories of bravery, acts of compassion, hope, faith, heroism and determination will re-enforce our belief in the ultimate goodness of mankind.  I will keep this in mind and heart as petty quarrels threatened to blossom into major fights and people forget their humanity and act like idiots.

I still believe in the goodness of mankind and will fight the evil of the few.  God Bless these miners, their rescuers and all of their families and friends who stood by them.