Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Despite Everything, There Is Hope In The World

While 8 teenager,s who are members of the "Latin Kings Goonies", brutally attacked, beaten, tortured and sodomized two teenage boys and an adult male in New York City, the world continued to count the days that 33 miners remained trapped in a collapsed mine in Chile.

Rescue workers from across the world, including America, responded to calls for assistance bravely issued by President Sebastian Pinera of Chile.  (This is a lesson President Obama should learn following the debacle of the BP spill.)  Predicting a rescue by Christmas, these brave men and women worked around the clock and beat the time clock by more than 2 months!  Yesterday, the first miner emerged from his entombment to tears, cheers and hugs.

Over the next weeks and months stories of the 70 day ordeal of the miners and rescue workers will be told.  Stories of bravery, acts of compassion, hope, faith, heroism and determination will re-enforce our belief in the ultimate goodness of mankind.  I will keep this in mind and heart as petty quarrels threatened to blossom into major fights and people forget their humanity and act like idiots.

I still believe in the goodness of mankind and will fight the evil of the few.  God Bless these miners, their rescuers and all of their families and friends who stood by them.

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