Friday, December 24, 2010

My Christmas Wish

Christmas Eve - 1-24-2010

For many, as well as ourselves and family, the last 2 years have been very hard.  Each blessing we received, we have been so grateful for.  Our fiends  and family have given us so much support and love as they, too have endured hardships.
 I know that everyone of you listening know from whence I speak, since you too have felt the pressure of the last 2 years.

Yet, as we've fought and endured the woes of 2009 and 2010, the gestation of new life has been brought forth.  The American Silent Majority has found it's voice again and 2012 will be a new frontier.  It will be one of optimism.

But, on this day, I ask you to reflect on the true meaning od Christmas.  The birth of a child destined to teach us humility, love and compassion.  The birth of a Rabbi who gave his life for the redemption and salvation of his fellow man.  A man of purpose whose example gave rise to Christianity.

Tomorrow, we celebrate not only the birth of the Christ Child, but the rebirth of humanity.  Without HIM, would our Judeo-Christian Nation, these United States of America have been conceived and born?  The principles which brought Enlightenment and formed the principles of freedom our founders fought for, were based upon the teachings of Christ and his Judiac beliefs and foundations.  The Rabbi Christ gave birth to Christianity and tomorrow we celebrate his birth.

So this weekend, think not only of the gifts, parties and food. Think of who we may have become without this special birth.  Think of the light his teachings and strength have lent to the weakest of us and helped us to overcome the worst adversity and tyrants to find freedom.

This weekend,we must take these realities and beliefs forward throughout the rest of the year and spread love, charity and freedom.

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

We are One Nation Under God which our founding Fathers hoped to secure.  Today and Tomorrow, we celebrate and honor our Christianity and the sacrifice that Christ and those who in the name of Humanity were born and gave their lives for us, what greater gift can one give? 

Here we are in a season of winter, the time of death and decline, when life withers.  This is the pinnacle, the turn of the page, when life returns and hope abounds.

Today and everyday, remember the men and women who voluntarily place their lives forward to protect us everyday.  Those, who even though they may not be Christians, still display the very tenets of Judeo-Christian beliefs which built our Nation.  Those who freely place their lives on the line of fire daily.  Police, Firefighters and those of all of our armed services... Marines, Navy, Army, Air Force and Coast Guard.

In the name of Christ and Christmas, say a prayer and bless them, while we enjoy our comforts, family and freedom.  Pray them come home safe and wish them and each other, as I wish each of you and them.....
May you have the Merriest of Christmases and a Blessed New Year!

God Bless Each And Every One Of You - Tiny Tim -

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

OH-klahoma, Why You Should Fear Sharia Law

As usual, another liberal judge is legislating from the bench.  The people of Oklahoma overwhelmingly passed Question 755 this past November, which is a State Constitutional Amendment that prohibits the courts from using international law or Sharia law in their decisions.  The amendment reads as follows:

"This measure amends the State Constitution. It changes a section that deals with the courts of this state. It would amend Article 7, Section 1. It makes courts rely on federal and state law when deciding cases. It forbids courts from considering or using international law. It forbids courts from considering or using Sharia Law.

International law is also known as the law of nations. It deals with the conduct of international organizations and independent nations, such as countries, states and tribes. It deals with their relationship with each other. It also deals with some of their relationships with persons.

The law of nations is formed by the general assent of civilized nations. Sources of international law also include international agreements, as well as treaties.

Sharia Law is Islamic law. It is based on two principal sources, the Koran and the teaching of Mohammed."

There is a great difference between Sharia, Catholic Canon Law, Hebrew Law and Hammurabi's Code.  The Catholic and Judaic Laws are specific and written laws involving their own religious courts, judges and penalties.  These laws also recognize the authority of a nation's court upon all people within that nation.  Sharia is based upon the writings in the Qu'uran and the teachings of the prophet Mohammed, and subject to extremely broad interpretations.  Countries under Sharia Law enforce it upon all people of that country irregardless of their religious affiliations.  International law is loosely interpreted to include the laws of any other nation, treaties, pacts and agreements between various nations and/or peoples.   Courts in the United States refer purely religious law question to among the specific religion involved (i.e. - Catholic or Hasidim).  They by Constitution mandate, cite only Federal, State or Local enacted laws and defer religious cases back to the involved religious court.

For example, a divorce may be granted in an American Civil Court to a spouse and legally recognized.  The spouse is therefore eligible to remarry under U.S. law.  However, under the spouse's specific religion, the divorce may or may not be religiously recognized or granted.  The spouse may not be able to remarry within there original religion, but they are eligible to remarry under another accepting religion and/or an American court/justice of the peace.  This is true "Separation of Church and State". 

Under Sharia Law, the religion IS the state, there is no separation of one from the other.  The interpretation of Sharia Law is as vast and varied as the political ideologue of the ultra conservative as compared to that of the  progressive liberal.  There are no written unified codes and penalties, structured courts or specified procedures to elect/select judges under Sharia.  One Iman will declare Jihad is an inner personal journey of peace and redemption.  A different Iman will declare Jihad is a bomb laden vest, promise of Heaven with 20 virgins and the death of any Non-Muslims.  Each will claim they are enforcing true Sharia.

Citing international law is equally confusing when  one judge may rely on the laws of Spain in a case and a differing judge may cite the laws of Cuba to overturn the previous judges decision.  Now, if this doesn't convince you that U.S. District Court Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange made a really bad decision with her injunction, consider, she completely ignores Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution, the "Supreme Law of the Land" clause.  Muneer  Anwad and the Council on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR) in their petition cite the First Amendment, "Prohibiting the free exercise" of religion clause.  The logic, is that the amendment creates the impression that Islam is a religion that is a threat to the country.

I say, "What?"  No where does the amendment prohibit the free exercise of Islam.  It does prohibit the enforcement of Islamic Sharia law within the American court system and upon ordinary citizen of non-Islamic faith.  Question 755 re-enforces Article VI of the Constitution.  It narrowly specifies Sharia Laws and international laws, which progressives have slowly and insidiously been attempting to use to co-opt the American legal system.  It is tacit that freedom of religion exists as long as the exercise of that religion does not cause harm or undue hardship to others.  Can that be said of all forms of Sharia Law?