Saturday, May 21, 2011

FREAKY FRIDAY - STAY MAD with Author David Graham 05/20 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

FREAKY FRIDAY - STAY MAD with Author David Graham 05/20 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

If anyone wants to know what a true "Conservative" thinks and feels about pressing domestic issues in today's climate, I recommend reading "STAY MAD! Observations of a Proletarian" by new author David Graham. "STAY MAD!" is a well written and at times humorous book that will have the reader nodding in agreement as he questions policies and agendas furthered by liberals in America.

The "Silent Majority" has found it's voice in the Tea Party Movement and has spurred new authors such as David Graham onto today's political stage. Mr. Graham in a recent interview by Ann Ubelis of the Blog Talk Radio show Southern Sense, admitted that it took the tragedy of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to awaken his interest in current events and patriotism. Like many Americans, he began to follow news broadcasts and talk show hosts on a daily basis. To make sense of the influx of information and to vent on hot issues, he started an internet blog. As the saying goes, "From the tiny acorn goes the mighty oak." , so has David Grahams' blog postings morphed into a thoughtful and factual book. He pokes at everything from political correctness, social and political engineering, education, Black Liberation Theology to the main stream media.

"STAY MAD!" will anger liberals and socialist for sure! Therefore, it will be a must on any conservative's book shelf. This is Mr. Grahams' first book and a few times I looked for a deeper delving into only a few issues. Just maybe he will satisfy my curiosity and he may have the workings of a second book in hand. How about "You Aint Mad Enough Yet? You will be now!" for the next title?

To hear the full interview on "Southern Sense" click the link above.

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