Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Is Iran at our doorstep?

Listen Into: Is Iran at our doorstep And other weeks events 09/27 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

Ironically, this was the topic of my show and the very next morning Iran announces it is sending warships to our Eastern Seaboard. Is it the naivete of the Obama administration in dealing with Iran or something far worse? I fervently pray that it is the former and not the latter.

Listen to the caller Paul
who follows the progressive and libertarian view that we are to blame and deserved to be attacked because we are in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and Iraq. He is not the lone voice in the woods. That is what scares me the most! Mindsets like Paul's are ones that have assumed the positions of power in the administration and have put our defense at risk. Flash back to Ron Paul in the debate in August, stating the Iran should have nuclear weapons! You need not take my word for my description of Iran's intent and actions.

Click on each title for links to articles on the subjects:
Iran, Venezuela, Novator, Club K Container Missile System, Malaysia Arms Show

And this is just a sampling!

Watch The Video Of The Missile System Here:

Are you frightened yet? Did I mention the danger of EMP Weapons? Imagine NO ELECTRONICS at all! The estimated death toll from sending us to the dark ages is 9 out of 10 people. It's not just the lose of TV, cell phones & computers. It is cessation of ALL ELECTRONICS! No electronics to summons first responders, to operate life sustaining equipment at hospitals and homes, no refrigeration, cooking, transportation or safety equipment.

Let's also not forget the threat of the very same attack by North Korea! Yes, the barbarians are at the gate and it's not the Tea Party, Mr. Vice President Biden!

Failed foreign policies by both parties needs to be addressed and corrected. Our national security must be addressed. North Korea and Iran must be forced to understand that we will not tolerate any further threats to our nation, nor to our allies, especially Israel. The UN sanctions must be enforced.

But, don't just take my word, do your own research. I've given you a starting point, see where it takes you, then write to your elected officials and the White House!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

You Never Know......

You get involved in your daily life, meetings here, shopping there, this and that..... Life happens. And then your world comes crashing down.  The phone rings and everything you hold dear seems about to evaporate.  This call happened to me, when my Dad fell, and ended up in the hospital awaiting emergency surgery.  Helpless and hundreds of miles and an sea away, you are left sitting by the phone awaiting the doctor's or your family call.  Minutes seem like days, days, like months, the wait is heart wrenching.

During the time you are waiting and envisioning the worst you come to realize the small things no longer matter.  What matters are those you love and cherish.  Maybe we aren't so petty after all, but just need that kick in the pants to remind us!  At this time, Dad has had hip replacement and the prognosis is good.  With God's will we will enjoy together life and love for a long time coming.  Every now and then we each need a good kick in the pants!