Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ed Dentzel - GOVICIDE Comply A CPAC Roundtable 02/10 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

Ed Dentzel - GOVICIDE Comply A CPAC Roundtable 02/10 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

Join us tomorrow for a live Round Table with special interviews by Stella Lohmann of the Examiner from the floor of CPAC. Joining our Round Table discussion will be author Edward Dentzel, "GOVICIDE: Comply". Broadcast starts at 2pm and goes to 5pm ET. It will be lively and fun!

1 comment:

  1. Love your quick wit. Taking on the establishment in a crowd with a one liner is the fastest way to success in our cause. "No one tells us who to vote for." "How's that working out for you, 99%er? You're 1% standing there alone while we're 99% in here." Great work and fast on your feet.
