The Dale Peterson Decade 11/02 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
You know him from his commercials when he ran for Agricultural Commissioner in Alabama. Out spoken businessman, he helped that state save millions of tax dollars. The call in number is 917-889-3675 between 2p-3:30p ET, Friday, Nov 2nd
Freedom Of Speech
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Defending The Republic with Rick Amato 10/30 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Defending The Republic with Rick Amato 10/30 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Tomorrow, Tues 10/30 at 2pm ET our Special Guest will be Rick Amato, TV & Radio Personality, National Columnist, TEA Party & Conservative activist.
Our call in lines will be open 919-889-3675
Tomorrow, Tues 10/30 at 2pm ET our Special Guest will be Rick Amato, TV & Radio Personality, National Columnist, TEA Party & Conservative activist.
Our call in lines will be open 919-889-3675
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Defending The Republic with Rick Amato 10/30 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Defending The Republic with Rick Amato 10/30 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Will Benghazi-Gate finally bring down Obama or will he get another free pass? Listen in as we discuss this subject and other top news of the day.
Will Benghazi-Gate finally bring down Obama or will he get another free pass? Listen in as we discuss this subject and other top news of the day.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Middle East Crisis with Dr. Walid Phares 10/26 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Middle East Crisis with Dr. Walid Phares 10/26 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
This show is dedicated to the 17 Sailors who died October 12, 2000 in the terrorist attack upon the USS Cole.
Special Guest: Dr. Walid Phares He is an American scholar of Lebanese origins. He is a professor and commentator on global terrorism and Middle Eastern affairs. Phares has testified before committees of the U.S. State, Justice, Defense and Homeland Security Departments, the United States Congress, the European Parliament, the United Nations Security Council. He has been a Terrorism expert at NBC from 2003 to 2006 and is a contributor at Fox News since 2007. Currently, he is Foreign advisor to Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
Special Guest: Dr. Walid Phares He is an American scholar of Lebanese origins. He is a professor and commentator on global terrorism and Middle Eastern affairs. Phares has testified before committees of the U.S. State, Justice, Defense and Homeland Security Departments, the United States Congress, the European Parliament, the United Nations Security Council. He has been a Terrorism expert at NBC from 2003 to 2006 and is a contributor at Fox News since 2007. Currently, he is Foreign advisor to Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Our Cuban Neighbor with Gus Venegas 10/23 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Our Cuban Neighbor with Gus Venegas 10/23 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Special Guest is Augusto Venegas, author,
"Memories from The Land of The Intolerant Tyrant" is a story about the Cuban Revolution and the events during 1959-1960 that brought a totalitarian dictatorship under Fidel Castro. Author describes life under the increasing political, economic and cultural oppression in Cuba until leaving Cuba in 1966. The author is an advocate of political, property, and labor rights in Cuba. The book is available in Amazon and Barnes &
It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Democratic Republic!
Special Guest is Augusto Venegas, author,
"Memories from The Land of The Intolerant Tyrant" is a story about the Cuban Revolution and the events during 1959-1960 that brought a totalitarian dictatorship under Fidel Castro. Author describes life under the increasing political, economic and cultural oppression in Cuba until leaving Cuba in 1966. The author is an advocate of political, property, and labor rights in Cuba. The book is available in Amazon and Barnes &
It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Democratic Republic!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
4 Cop Killers Up For Parole

This November these killers are eligible for parole and every two years thereafter. Their names are: Philip Copeland, Todd Scott, Scott Cobb, and David McClary. As I write this, numerous campaigns are writing to the New York State Parole Board to protest against any parole for these men.

After graduation, I went to the 90th Precinct in Brooklyn and he to the 109th in Queens. Of course promises of keeping in touch don't always get kept, but the rumor mills do let you know how friends are doing. The Sergeant's Exams were coming up in 1988 and everyone was hitting the books and we knew someone like Eddie would surely ace the exam and become a "Boss".

Midnight tours on Fixed Posts tend to be quiet. The mere presence of the police often serves as a deterrent to criminal activity. Officer Byrne to fill the quiet hours brought his study guide for the upcoming Sergeant's Exam. At 3:03 AM the Scott, Cobb and McClary pulled up along side Officer Byrnes Patrol car and exited. It is believed it was Todd Scott who knocked on the passenger side window for Officer Byrne's attention as David McClary creeped up on the drivers side. Scott Cobb acted as lookout and driver. Copeland directed the entire plan and took the orders from Mason. McClary fired five (5) shots into the back of Eddie Byrnes head.
Officer Byrne was rushed to Mary Immaculate Hospital where he died of his wounds. He was only 22 years old. he lived at home with his mother and father who was retired from NYPD. His brothers were also "On The Job". Eddie was going to college at night and had not yet married, but dreamed of a family of his own.

Eddie Byrne was a friend, a colleague and dedicated Police officer. We graduated the Police Academy together. On the night he was executed, he was studying for the Sergeant's Exam. A bright future in NYPD was extinguished. A family was devastated. Friends and colleagues were bereaved. And not just a city, but a nation was horrified by the actions of this cold blooded murderer.
Early release will never unring this bell.
To submit your letter to the NYS Parole Board click on this link:
Tell them, "You vehemently oppose the parole of the convicted killer of NYPD Police Officer Edward Byrne on Feb 26, 1988."
You will need to input the inmate's name & DIN Number and submit one form for each convict:
Scott Cobb 89A6910
Phillip Copeland 89A5229
Todd Scott 89A8015
David McClary 89A7511
Senator Chuck Shumer (D-NY) wrote the following to the parole board:
In 2005, Police Officer Jason Caputo found the Patrol Car Eddie was executed in, in the NYC impound lot. he rescued the vehicle and lovingly restored it. You can find more on Caputo's Caprice at:
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Guest: John Kennedy vs. Fed Government - In A Round Table 10/19 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Guest: John Kennedy vs. Fed Government - In A Round Table 10/19 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Join us Friday, October 19 at 2p ET with a special Round Table of the brightest of BTR. Our Special Guest is John Kennedy, CEO of Autocam. He's the latest in federal lawsuits against Obamacare.
Our Round Table will consist of Annie "The Radio Chick" your host, "Cool" Mike your co-host, Dr. C. Robert Jones of the Situation Report, Joe Goldner of the Peoples Voice, Nurse Erica Coyle and Ed Dentzel of The Dentzel Domain.
Join us Friday, October 19 at 2p ET with a special Round Table of the brightest of BTR. Our Special Guest is John Kennedy, CEO of Autocam. He's the latest in federal lawsuits against Obamacare.
Our Round Table will consist of Annie "The Radio Chick" your host, "Cool" Mike your co-host, Dr. C. Robert Jones of the Situation Report, Joe Goldner of the Peoples Voice, Nurse Erica Coyle and Ed Dentzel of The Dentzel Domain.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Supporting Our Heroes with Bob Calvert 10/16 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Supporting Our Heroes with Bob Calvert 10/16 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Join us Tuesday,Oct 16th at 2pm ET and meet Bob Calvert of Talking With Heroes.
Bob wrote, "Over the past six years I have been working full time to support our troops. I interview military personnel so that they can talk about their positive experiences in the areas in which they serve. I also interview military support groups, veterans and veterans groups, companies who do things to help our troops and their families, family members of those serving, Gold Star parents and More.
We have been to Iraq five times now and to Afghanistan three times embedding with our troops, going on convoys with them, filming and covering progress stories most Americans have not been hearing about, Interviewing Iraqis and More.
We went back over to Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan July and August 2011 thanks to Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and Mark Lyden
All of the interviews, convoys and missions, including interviews with local people and in villages, on bases and more are at as well as on our Facebook FAN Page
Plus we now have unedited footage from each area we went to in 2010 on a NEW DVD Book We will be doing the same for our 2011 trip over with the troops.
On our 2011 trip over with the troops UPDATES are on our New Facebook Fan Page plus there are stories and photos on our Online News Site:"
Join us Tuesday,Oct 16th at 2pm ET and meet Bob Calvert of Talking With Heroes.
Bob wrote, "Over the past six years I have been working full time to support our troops. I interview military personnel so that they can talk about their positive experiences in the areas in which they serve. I also interview military support groups, veterans and veterans groups, companies who do things to help our troops and their families, family members of those serving, Gold Star parents and More.
We have been to Iraq five times now and to Afghanistan three times embedding with our troops, going on convoys with them, filming and covering progress stories most Americans have not been hearing about, Interviewing Iraqis and More.
We went back over to Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan July and August 2011 thanks to Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and Mark Lyden
All of the interviews, convoys and missions, including interviews with local people and in villages, on bases and more are at as well as on our Facebook FAN Page
Plus we now have unedited footage from each area we went to in 2010 on a NEW DVD Book We will be doing the same for our 2011 trip over with the troops.
On our 2011 trip over with the troops UPDATES are on our New Facebook Fan Page plus there are stories and photos on our Online News Site:"
Friday, October 12, 2012
Right To Life?
To begin this debate took a long number of years, for me to make my decision. I was in my teens when Roe V Wade was being decided. I was brought up Roman Catholic and abortion as not an option. But, as a student of public schools I had a lot of listening to both sides of an debate. Then the social revolution occurred in the 60's, 70's and 80's. Social mores changed, but conservatism didn't. In the end, it has been my anchor.
Have I always made the best decisions in my life? No one does. As I walked the path of youth
into adulthood, there have many if's and what if's. Thankfully, my choices and at times luck has brought me to the moral right of most of my decisions. With half of a century on this Earth, I can say, the unborn need advocates.
The first fallacy that we must dissolve is that a woman has control over her body when she is pregnant. She is controlling not only her body, but that of the unborn child. Don't let anyone let them call it a fetus, or zygote. It is a child! It feels pain, it moves in the womb. It is alive.
If this is a fallacy, then why do so many states now have live for killing fetuses in the commission of a crime?
Yes, you'll bring up rape, incest & health of the mother. For rape & incest, counseling should be the 1st option before abortion. Health of the mother is between the mother, her family and the Doctor. Government has no businesses in any of these decisions, These are private and personal circumstances.
How many children of rape & incest have gone on to be our leaders and churners of our society? Should they be discarded as scum of the Earth? If your parent decided you would not be born blue eyed with blonde hair, you should be aborted? Where do we draw the line on life or death.
Do we extend the right to life to those who are no longer productive in society? You can't meet our demand as to what you should be born as, we abort you. Now, you are too old or feeble to produce, we cut off care an dlet you die early.
Oh - Yes - Obamacare!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Middle East Conflict: Lt Col. Bill Connor & Dr. Walid Phares 10/12 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Middle East Conflict: Lt Col. Bill Connor & Dr. Walid Phares 10/12 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio: This show is dedicated to: Army 1st Lt. Dustin D. Vincent, Died November 3, 2011 Serving During Operation New Dawn
Special Guest: Lt Col. Bill Connor, former candidate for SC Lt. Governor served as Senior US Advisor to Afghan Forces in Helmund Province, Afghanistan. He is a graduate of the Citidal, and is an author and attorney. Bill is a founding partner of NATIONAL DEFENSE CONSULTANTS
Special Guest: Dr. Walid Phares is an American scholar of Lebanese origins. He is a professor and commentator on global terrorism and Middle Eastern affairs. Phares has testified before committees of the U.S. State, Justice, Defense and Homeland Security Departments, the United States Congress, the European Parliament, the United Nations Security Council. He has been a Terrorism expert at NBC from 2003 to 2006 and is a contributor at Fox News since 2007.
Special Guest: Lt Col. Bill Connor, former candidate for SC Lt. Governor served as Senior US Advisor to Afghan Forces in Helmund Province, Afghanistan. He is a graduate of the Citidal, and is an author and attorney. Bill is a founding partner of NATIONAL DEFENSE CONSULTANTS
Special Guest: Dr. Walid Phares is an American scholar of Lebanese origins. He is a professor and commentator on global terrorism and Middle Eastern affairs. Phares has testified before committees of the U.S. State, Justice, Defense and Homeland Security Departments, the United States Congress, the European Parliament, the United Nations Security Council. He has been a Terrorism expert at NBC from 2003 to 2006 and is a contributor at Fox News since 2007.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Defending The Republic with Anita Moncrief 10/09 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Defending The Republic with Anita Moncrief 10/09 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
This show is dedicated to: Army Pfc. Charles E. Bush, Jr., died December 19, 2003 Serving Operation Freedom.
Defending the Democratic Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "Cool" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.
Special Guest is Anita MonCrief: joined the Strategic Writing and Research Department of ACORN Political Operations and its affiliate Project Vote. In 2008 I came forward to expose the damage that ACORN has done to the impoverished and marginalized communities, as well as its rampant voter fraud, and gained notoriety as the ACORN whistle blower.
It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Democratic Republic!
You never know what we'll talk about: Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Socialism, Progressives, Liberals, Libertarians, 2012 Elections, GOP debates, Congress,Obama, Obamacare, Healthcare, NRA, Unions, Pro-Life, God & Guns, Constitution, Tea Party, hhr, aacons, tcot, Military, Veterans, Education, Czars, EPA, NLRB, Islam, Jihad, War on Terror, War on Drugs, Gangs, Immigration, Illegal Aliens and so much more!
Defending the Democratic Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "Cool" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.
Special Guest is Anita MonCrief: joined the Strategic Writing and Research Department of ACORN Political Operations and its affiliate Project Vote. In 2008 I came forward to expose the damage that ACORN has done to the impoverished and marginalized communities, as well as its rampant voter fraud, and gained notoriety as the ACORN whistle blower.
It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Democratic Republic!
You never know what we'll talk about: Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Socialism, Progressives, Liberals, Libertarians, 2012 Elections, GOP debates, Congress,Obama, Obamacare, Healthcare, NRA, Unions, Pro-Life, God & Guns, Constitution, Tea Party, hhr, aacons, tcot, Military, Veterans, Education, Czars, EPA, NLRB, Islam, Jihad, War on Terror, War on Drugs, Gangs, Immigration, Illegal Aliens and so much more!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Rebuild America with Musicians Xander Demos & Llyod Marcus 10/05 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Rebuild America with Musicians Xander Demos & Llyod Marcus 10/05 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Rockin' show tomorrow - Two power house performers and solid conservatives. What can be better other that Rocky Road Ice Cream w/ whipped cream! Or Obama FIRED!!!!!!
This show is dedicated to: Air Force Maj. Walter D. Gray, Died August 8, 2012 Serving During Operation Enduring Freedom
Can an Artist Be That Good & Still Be A Conservative?
Special Guests are Xander Demos & Check Out His Tunes!
Llyod Marcus, Chair of the Rebuild America - Defeat Obama Tour
Rockin' show tomorrow - Two power house performers and solid conservatives. What can be better other that Rocky Road Ice Cream w/ whipped cream! Or Obama FIRED!!!!!!
This show is dedicated to: Air Force Maj. Walter D. Gray, Died August 8, 2012 Serving During Operation Enduring Freedom
Can an Artist Be That Good & Still Be A Conservative?
Special Guests are Xander Demos & Check Out His Tunes!
Llyod Marcus, Chair of the Rebuild America - Defeat Obama Tour
Monday, October 1, 2012
Defending The Republic with Diane Nagy & Rich Miniter 10/02 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
Defending The Republic with Diane Nagy & Rich Miniter 10/02 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio
This show is a Double Header
This show is a Double Header
This show is dedicated to: Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Thalia S. Ramirez, died September 5, 2012 Serving During Operation Enduring Freedom
Defending the Democratic Republic is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.
Special Guest: Singer Diane Nagy: Diana has been wowing audiences for years. When she was just 7, she won first place singing in a talent contest. Her heartfelt, soaring vocals have been moving & inspiring audiences since that day. She even had the honor of singing for Pope John Paul II. Her site is:
Special Guest: Richard Mitiner: In 'Leading from Behind: The Reluctant President & the Advisors Who Decide for Him,' journalist Miniter argues that Obama waffled & wavered in the run-up to the May 2, 2011 Navy SEAL assault on the al-Qaeda leader's compound in Pakistan."
It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Democratic Republic!
Defending the Democratic Republic is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.
Special Guest: Singer Diane Nagy: Diana has been wowing audiences for years. When she was just 7, she won first place singing in a talent contest. Her heartfelt, soaring vocals have been moving & inspiring audiences since that day. She even had the honor of singing for Pope John Paul II. Her site is:
Special Guest: Richard Mitiner: In 'Leading from Behind: The Reluctant President & the Advisors Who Decide for Him,' journalist Miniter argues that Obama waffled & wavered in the run-up to the May 2, 2011 Navy SEAL assault on the al-Qaeda leader's compound in Pakistan."
It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Democratic Republic!
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