Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Islamic Terrorists/Extremist? Or Islamaphobia?

If you don't know David Gaubatz, he is a Counter Terrorism expert and a thorn in the side of CAIR. He wrote the book Muslim Mafia after he sent a team of five people lead by his son Christopher under cover into CAIR to gather information.

They walked out with over 1200 pages of documents that split CAIR wide open with his revelations in his book. Listen to the interview and hear how David posing as a blind sheik attended their national banquet and with his under cover team delivered subpoenas to the executive board of CAIR. It is too funny & you don;t want to miss it!

Catch Dave Gaubatz , Terrorism Expert on Islam & how disguised as a blind sheik subpoenaed CAIR Exec. Listen in here:  tinyurl.com/d4c9zx5 
FUNNY as he tells the story - Listen in & pass it on!

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