As the political playing field heats up, once again South Carolina is in the fore-front. When Governor Nikki Haley appointed Representative Tim Scott to the recently vacated seat of Senator Jim DeMint last month, no one suspected that 16 republicans would now via for that single seat. (Footnote - Senator Lindsey Graham, be afraid, be very afraid. You're next in their sights)
On Saturday, February 16th, the Conservative Groups in South Carolina, especially those from the contested seat in District 1, will gather to vet the candidates and maybe just winnow the field, with the sponsorship of FreedomWorks and TEA Party Express, under the organizational auspicious of the Myrtle Beach 192 Project. Immediately afterwards, a public forum will be held, open to the public, which will further test the metal of each candidate.
Who will squirm, wither and withdraw or who will stand tall and reach for the brass ring in the contest. Will it be the front runners, former Governor Mark Sanford, son of media mogul, Ted Turner - Teddy Turner, Jr, State Senator Larry Grooms or State Representatives Larry Grooms, Peter McCoy or Andy Patrick? Or, from the bottom of the pack will a new star rise?

Call in lines will be open and we welcome you questions and input. The number to call at show time is 917-889-3675.
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