If you haven't heard of Corey Clagett, let me introduce you to a young soldier, who loves this country and was willing to lay down his life for it. Today he sits in prison for following a direct order from his Staff Sergeant while fighting in Iraq. His unit's commander ordered the troops in the field to kill all military aged men, not to take any prisoners. This command was issued then by his Squad Sergeant to the unit. Corey knew this command was illegal and he fought with it.

Corey struggled with his decision and feared the consequences of disobeying a direct order as well as the danger poised if these detainees later returned to kill American personal as members of Al-Qaeda. He ordered the three men to run and as they tried to escape he shot and killed two, the other soldier shot one, badly wounding him. The squad doctor determined he was too mortally wounded and the squad sergeant then ordered the other soldier to put him out of his misery, whereby he shot him at point blank range in the head, killing him.
The squad sergeant decided to rig the scene to make it look like a real escape attempt and ordered Corey and the other soldier as to exactly how to set the scene. Two days later there was a criminal investigation and the Staff Sergeant ordered Corey and the other soldier to "stick to the story" and threatened other squad members to keep them quiet.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 26 between 2p to 3:30p EST, we will interview Melanie Dianiski, his mother and Timothy Parlatore, his attorney on Corey's ordeal and his search for clemency or parole. Corey spent 4 years in solitary confinement and face treatment harsher than anything dished out to terrorist detainees in GITMO. It's time to bring Corey home. Click on the link at the top of this article and tune in to listen.
Tags: Iraq, Gitmo, Army, Operation Iron Triangle, Politics, War on Terror
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