Saturday, April 6, 2013

Do you know the answer to this riddle?

I was sitting in my Archie Bunker chair feeling miserable with the flu, when a friend forwarded a chain email letter.  You know, one of those that has been forwarded through who knows how many other people and in the end tells you to forward it to ten other people.

The emails usually attribute a quote from Andy Rooney or Paul Harvey and 90% are often wrong when they do.  In this case Paul Harvey was attributed with something Lee Pitts wrote in his 1995 book "People Who Live At The End Of  Dirt Roads".  But, I scrolled down to the end anyway.

At the end was a riddle, which read, "What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?".  As I sat there feeling miserable hoping I would feel better for church tomorrow, this first thought that popped into my head was, "That's stupid, there's nothing greater than God!", then the light bulb went off.

I know the answer - It's NOTHING!
Nothing is greater than God,
Nothing is more evil than the Devil,
The poor have Nothing,
The rich need Nothing,
If you eat Nothing, you will die! 

To answer the riddle, you only need to believe in God and know
that God is the Alpha and Omega, therefor, nothing can be greater than he.  Once you hold that in your heart all of the other questions answer themselves.   Somehow, I started to feel just a little bit better and I knew God was with me always.

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