Surrounding the scandal was the leveling of ethic charges involving the questionable use of tax payer funds for the tryst. A shame faced, tearful and apologetic Governor stood before the cameras and faced the public humiliation. Public outcry from the left and right called for his immediate resignation. This was all in 2009 as the TEA Party movement arose and stormed the political scene.
Republicans in name only (RINO's) saw Federal stimulus money being dangled and Governor Sanford clearly saw the trap and stood firm in refusing it, only to find his veto overturned by the State House. Wherever he could, he trimmed pork from the state budget, sounded the alarm on the failing state pension system and fought to protect the sovereignty of the state and it's citizens. Politically, he is a strong conservative who not only talks the talk, he walks the walk.
It was wrong of him to secretly leave the state, much less the country, however he maintained constant contact with his staff, ensuring that the state continued to run smoothly. In the end, no taxpayer funds were lost on his trip because he repaid the state coffers of all monies. His actions in his personal life may not have been the wisest, but what man in love ever acts the wisest or smartest? I won't even mention how some women behave when they are head over heels for someone. (Haven't we all at one time been there and done that?)
Now the morally superior continue to scream their heads off about his betraying his wife with the affair. Get over it! No one is a perfect being. We all have made some amazing blunders that we are ashamed of. If you deny that simple fact then you are putting yourself on par with God, himself and that in itself is the deadly sin of Pride. If these morally superior Christian persons cannot find in their hearts forgiveness, then they are no better than the prideful individuals and face the deadly sin of Wrath.
I know I am a sinful person, something I remind myself each time I pray. No one knows what goes on in anthers marriage, the words that are exchanged, the emotions that are raised or ignored, the actions that lead to conflicts and pain. No one can ever quantitatively explain why the human heart strays. I can personally say, if a person who has strayed and they are repentant and seek redemption through their actions, I will not hold back on forgiveness. I will look at the whole man and accept him by what I see.
Prior to the 2010 Republican Primary vote in South Carolina, the three TEA Party groups in Beaufort County in a straw poll voted for the best Candidate on the ticket. By an overwhelming wide margin they selected Speaker Newt Gingrich. This was followed up by the actual primary, where South Carolina Republicans selected Newt Gingrich as their candidate. To all of the morally superior members of the TEA Parties, I ask you, how can you vote for Newt, who cheated on his wife while she was battling cancer? He too married his lover. Governor Sanford is currently engaged to his mistress with plans to marry soon. The only other difference is that when Mark cheated on his wife, she wasn't suffering from a devastating and often fatal illness.
One only needs to look at the larger picture to know that if we don't send a conservative this Tuesday, the alternative will be disastrous. Just how wonderful will the moral high ground wll look, when by one vote, that of Elizabeth Colbert-Busch, Obamacare fails to be repealed, the debt ceiling is raised along with your taxes, more Benghazi-gates type scandals break out without any Congressional hearings, gun control federal expansion goes rampant, and Congress authorizes drones over your home and they recognize Sharia law? Now imagine that one vote helps return Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House? Ask yourself would you rather be guilty of forgiveness or guilty that you allowed your vote be used to further dismantle our nation and push us to the brink of collapse?
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