Thursday, September 26, 2013

For God & Country: Derrick Grayson 09/27 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts

For God & Country: Derrick Grayson

Can a underdog who is a Minister, Conservative, Musician, father and Black American get elected to the Senate from Georgia?

Meet Derrick Grayson who is coming from behind and shaking up the 2014 race.

Friday, September 20, 2013

South Carolina Citizens In Support Of Censure Of Lindsey Graham Petition

South Carolina Citizens In Support Of Censure Of Lindsey Graham Petition

RINO hunt time!!!!!  If you live in South Carolina, sign the petition to censure Graham, then get three more people you know in South Carolina to sign.  Urge them to pass it onto three more people each and get this to snowball!

If you don't live in South Carolina, you can still help!  Send this to everyone you know in South Carolina, post on your social network pages, share in every South Carolina group, chat, website you can find.

Let's take this VIRAL!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Defending The Republic: Jessie Duff & Talbert Black 09/17 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts

Defending The Republic: Jessie Duff & Talbert Black 09/17 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts

Tomorrow, while the Senate has a hearing on "Stand Your Ground" gun laws, we'll have Gunnery Sgt Jessie Duff, USMC Retired and Talbert Black of Palmetto Gun Rights discussing the 2nd Amendment.

Join us and call into the show 917-889-3675

Friday, September 13, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Smart Girl Politics: Stacy Mott 09/10 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts

Smart Girl Politics: Stacy Mott 09/10 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts

The bacon is sizzling and the zone is open!  Stacy Mott of will be joining us as we enter the Bacon Zone.

It is the Eve of 9/11 and the fireworks are ready to rocket on Southern Sense. 1 Million Muslims will assemble in DC and 2 Million Bikers will descend on DC to counter their rally.

Vladamir Putin has given Barack Obama a chance to pull his head out of his ass and save face on Syria?  Will he accept the offer or plunge us into WW3?

Meanwhile, the IRS is still sitting on thousands of 501 (c3 & c4) applications from conservative groups, one of which is Smart Girls.  It has been more than three years and a major election is looming in 2014.

Scandals still rack-up and we still have no answers to Fast & Furious, NSA spying, IRS wasteful spending, DHS, EPA, ATF, DOJ, Benghazi, Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, Ft Hood, GITMO, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, North Korea, China, on and on.........

So is Syria, Obama's "Wag The Dog" episode?

Listen into the podcast and call the show 917-889-3675

Friday, September 6, 2013

Manipulism: Mikkel Clair Nissen & Lt. Col. Dan Hampton 09/06 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts

Manipulism: Mikkel Clair Nissen & Lt. Col. Dan Hampton

From the dreamlike love of socialism to the reality of a free republican democracy, Mikkel made a slow awakening.  From that awakening, he grasped an understanding of the manipulation used by the ruling party in a socialistic society that has kept so many fellow countrymen in a sheep-like state.  Socialists across the world use these tactics everyday to blind those they rule over to their true status and deny God given freedoms to their fellow man.

Join us as we interview Mikkel about his book "Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed". 

Then stay as we follow-up with a true living legend:  Lt. Col. Dan Hampton, USAF, Retired:  author of "Viper Pilot".  Lt. Col. Hampton, is one of the highest decorated fighter pilots, a dying breed in the age of remote controlled drones.

Pass the podcast along to your friends and family to enjoy!