Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Smart Girl Politics: Stacy Mott 09/10 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts

Smart Girl Politics: Stacy Mott 09/10 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts

The bacon is sizzling and the zone is open!  Stacy Mott of www.SmartGirlPolitics.org will be joining us as we enter the Bacon Zone.

It is the Eve of 9/11 and the fireworks are ready to rocket on Southern Sense. 1 Million Muslims will assemble in DC and 2 Million Bikers will descend on DC to counter their rally.

Vladamir Putin has given Barack Obama a chance to pull his head out of his ass and save face on Syria?  Will he accept the offer or plunge us into WW3?

Meanwhile, the IRS is still sitting on thousands of 501 (c3 & c4) applications from conservative groups, one of which is Smart Girls.  It has been more than three years and a major election is looming in 2014.

Scandals still rack-up and we still have no answers to Fast & Furious, NSA spying, IRS wasteful spending, DHS, EPA, ATF, DOJ, Benghazi, Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, Ft Hood, GITMO, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, North Korea, China, on and on.........

So is Syria, Obama's "Wag The Dog" episode?

Listen into the podcast and call the show 917-889-3675

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