Of course, I couldn't resist replying following Mr. Coca's item.
Mike Huckabee Wants to Get Rid of RINO's (It's not what you think)
A RINO is a
"Republican in name only" – and someone apparently used the term when
they were talking about Mike Huckabee. He
wasn’t too happy with that.
“Many of you used a term that I’d
like to see outlawed from the vernacular of the party: RINO,” he said, calling
it a “pejorative term” that questioned one’s purity…
“With all due respect, I’ve fought
in the trenches of Republican politics for over two decades, but I wouldn’t pretend
that I’m lord over determining who the real Republicans are versus the
so-called RINOs,” he said…
Huckabee reminded his readers that
Jesus once said that “a house divided against itself cannot stand,” referring
to the Gospel of Matthew…
“I’d rather have a loyal dog who
licks me than one with a pedigree who bites me,” he added. “I’d rather go to
battle with someone who isn’t perfect than with someone who thinks he is.”
I get why Huckabee is upset at being called a
RINO. It is a pejorative. It’s meant to carry a very negative connotation. I
also understand why Huckabee was called a RINO. (DON”T GET MAD AT ME.) He’s not
a RINO in the Lindsey Graham/John McCain sense… he’s a RINO in a populist –
economics sense. But I would hesitate to use the term to apply to him because
his “flaws” don’t really reach RINO heights.
Actually, I get a lot of email from readers who
agree with Huckabee about this. I often get not-so-polite “fan mail” telling me
that I am the problem. Why? Because I divide Republicans instead of uniting
them. I and others like me use words like RINO to support “weaker” Tea Party
candidates that end up costing us influence. I don’t agree on two counts –
first, I don’t think that backing Tea Party candidates weakens us because the
RINO candidate is as bad as a moderate Democrat. Secondly, I don’t agree that I
divide us because the RINO’s do the same thing to conservatives that we do to
Here’s the thing, the RINO term is really
important. The Republican Party is no longer (if it was ever) a monolithic
political entity. Sure there are liberal Republicans and conservative
Republicans and we all fit in the tent because we fit here better than in the
Democrat tent… but if we’re honest, we’d rather not be in the same tent with
some Republicans. It’s not just us either. Republican politicians feel the same
Look at how John McCain’s little RINO cadre
treat Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Justin Amash, Thomas Massie and the rest
of the new blood libertarian conservatives. Do you think McCain and Graham want
those guys in our tent? (The answer is no…)
Another infamous RINO, John Boehner (R-OH),
recently proved again that conservatives aren’t the only ones doing the
dividing. Representative Joaquin Castro (D-TX) revealed that Boehner
called Rep. Steve King (R-IA) an a**hole for his opposition to amnesty
for illegal immigrants.
On a day not too long after Boehner’s
political body check of Steve King for his immigration comments, the speaker
was milling around the aisle walkway in the middle section of the House floor
where the Democratic and Republican territories meet. Another Texas Democrat
and I were standing a few feet away, and as the speaker passed us we thanked
him for denouncing King’s offensive comments. He slowed his stride and then
paused to turn toward us. "What an asshole," he said. My thoughts
exactly, Mr. Speaker.
With friends like Boehner, McCain, Graham and
other RINO’s, conservatives don’t really need enemies.
So, I’m sorry you had your feelings hurt Mr.
Huckabee, but the term RINO stays. We need it.
Read more at http://eaglerising.com/4299/mike-huckabee-wants-get-rid-rino-think/#uIiZPZleIY2AxXog.99
Mr. Coca,
You article caught my eye, it was posted in TEA Party
Community, and I thank you for your honesty.
You are so correct in your analysis.
For years, I have noticed that the name calling and rhetoric flies the
fastest when flung from the left side, whether it's from a Progressive,
Democrat or liberal Republican (RINO).
If the worst we do is use the term RINO (Republican In Name Only) well
shocker - We are divisive!
Governor Huckabee,
Shame on you for restricting our right to Free Speech. Shame on you for taking offense to the term
RINO, when, you supported illegal immigration amnesty. Time and again, you speak a good game for
personal and fiscal responsibility, but waffle on social welfare and
entitlement issues. If we hold you to
the higher standard of the Republican platform, do not blame us. You chose to place yourself under the
microscope by your public and political persona.
This might be a perfect opportunity for you, to step back,
and have a deeply personal introspection. Rather than adding to the mudslinging
against Conservatives find a better way to open the discussion and find out why
you have angered them to the point they use (shudder - I will say it) the term
RINO in describing your political stance.
As a Christian and Conservative, I refrain usually from
mudslinging, lest a good wind sends it back into my own face. However, I will not be silenced from speaking
the truth. Nor, will I back down when
attacked by the leadership in our own political party who seek to intimidate me
and fellow Conservatives, when we seek to see that same leadership adhere more
closely to the very party political platform they voted to stand upon.
We have not moved our line and it is time, Governor
Huckabee, you take a look over your Left shoulder and see how far you are away
from that line. It is time, you
compromise in our favor. Stop helping them to divide our party and start
healing it!
Ann Ubelis
Oops, I think I just tweaked the left again. I hear the black helicopters coming for me.
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