Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Defending The Republic: Ayn Rand's Don Watkins & Candidate Meka Childs 04/08 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts

Defending The Republic: Ayn Rand's Don Watkins & Candidate Meka Childs 04/08 by Southern Sense Is Conservative | Politics Conservative Podcasts

What would you say to one of the original Founding Fathers when you try to explain our growing welfare society and trending toward socialism?

How would you explain the loss of self-reliance and personal responsibility?

Can you explain the supposed need for Obamacare, Welfare, Food Stamps, Medicaid/Medicare, Social Security, Public Housing, College Tuition Assistance, Crony Capitalism, TARP, Stimulus, Quantitative Easing, and so much more?

Would you be able to look them in the eye and explain the EPA, NSA, IRS, ATF and all of the other alphabet soup bureaucracy?

Why are we allowing the EPA to prevent us from growing our own food, dig our own ponds, while they regulate bovine flatulence?

We have so many problems of our own creation, I know I could answer or solve.  Can you?

Join us today as we seek out the experts for solutions.

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