Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Obama: Republicans Want a 'Moat' With 'Alligators' on the Border - President Obama - Fox Nation

Obama: Republicans Want a 'Moat' With 'Alligators' on the Border - President Obama - Fox Nation

Excuse me Mr. President.... You have not done everything to secure the borders! The border fence is less than complete. Border Patrol is still vastly undermanned and equipped. How do you stop illegal immigrants when agents are armed with bean bag rounds and the illegals have lethal firearms sold to them courtesy of the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco? Over 3000 firearms sold to gunrunners upon the authorization of the BATF have been used in crimes in the United States against our citizens. These very same firearms were sold under Project Gunrunner and several other project names run by the BATF. That program, whether poorly or criminally run was intended to stem the flow of illegal immigrants and drug dealers into the United States.

So no, Mr. President, our borders are not secure. Rather than pandering to your special interest groups such as La Raza and the Unions, why not visit the ranchers and homeowners who lost family members and friends to the criminal acts of illegals and drug dealers? Do you really want to be face to face with the families and co-workers of the Immigration, Border and BATF Agents killed or injured by these criminals? Are you willing to help pay the tab for enforcement, prosecution and incarceration for these border states? I thought not!

We do thank you for the idea of building a mote and we have here in South Carolina a very hungry breed of American Alligator which would be ideal to stock it with. It just might be cheaper than the fence, less costly to maintain and I know of whole neighborhoods in the South willing to stock it for free.

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