Friday, May 13, 2016

Hamidy Jasim, The Terrorist Whisperer & Mike Karolchyk The AntiGym Spartacus 05/13 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative Podcasts

Hamidy Jasim, The Terrorist Whisperer & Mike Karolchyk The AntiGym Spartacus 05/13 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative Podcasts

We can't say the words "terrorist" or "chubby" yet the Obama Administration will dictate who can use your child's school bathroom!

The human brain is not fully sexually developed until the age of 27 years, so how can a 5 year old decide what gender they are?  It was always by what equipment the God  gave you.  Now government will decide over what God has already done?  Is government more powerful than God?

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