Friday, September 9, 2016

Direction and Alliance with singer Danae & Pastor Michael Gonzalez 09/09 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative Podcasts

Direction and Alliance with singer Danae & Pastor Michael Gonzalez 09/09 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative Podcasts

It's been 15 years since the Islamic terrorists attacked us on September 11, 2001.  It is not the 1st time Islam attacked the United States.  They have attacked us since our inception of these United States.  President Thomas Jefferson sent our United States Marine Corps to battle them in Tripoli, Libya.

Today, we battle them still in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Somalia and across the globe.

They have infiltrated our government, businesses and schools.  Yet, the vast majority of Americans have either turned a blind eye or are too weak to recognize the hajra.  Yes, it is an invasion and overthrow of our society and government.

We need to wake up and return to the Judeo-Christian fundalmental beliefs of our founding fathers and soon, before all is lost.

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