Monday, January 15, 2018

Liberal Misogyny and North Korean Nukes

Here we go again folks! Liberal Hollywood Elitist Liberals have got the wrong end of the stick and play the "Blame Trump" game.

I love the compilation of work Jamie Lee Curtis has created as an actress.  I love her comedic timing, her range of acting and the quality projects she has chosen.  I love the fact she's given the forever young, next beauty treatment, anti-gray hair crowd the middle finger!

What I don't love is when she publicly spouts off on a topic and issue without looking at all sides and giving a calm, measured response.  Below is a Twitter posting by Ms. Curtis circulating the social networks:
Because Facebook is limited when you post a response, here is my reply to Ms. Curtis.

No Jamie Curtis This is upon Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bubba Clinton who sold and gave North Korea computers and technology that boosted their nuke program. ( )

This is upon the Pakistani government and their scientist Dr. AQ Khan and his network, who helped Iran and NK to build up their program under Presidents Clinton and GW Bush.  ( )

This is upon President Obama how ignored the threats of NK and Little Kim who boldly ignored UN and US Sanctions and built his nuke program. ( ) and ( )

This is against President Obama who ignored the underground tests NK performed. One of which collapsed Mount Mantap after too many nuke tests, trapping and killing over 200 workers, just this past October. ( ) Where are your tears and anger for these lost souls? 

This is against China, who failed to rein in NK's nuke ambitions, despite world protests. ( )

FINALLY! This is against YOU and your fellow liberals, who ignored our warnings of the threat of Iran & NK over four decades. We did not get here overnight, suddenly with the election of Trump as President. We got here because YOU let us get here! 

Now, take just an iota of the energy your hatred of Trump and his supporters created and put it to a good use. Help us to figure out how to peacefully get out of this mess and move forward to a more safe and tranquil world that promotes freedom, hand in hand with security. 

Tell us just how you would control a madman tyrant who doesn't give a rats ass about his own people, much less what you think!

** The links are not in the original Facebook post and were added only to this blog post.

Ms. Curtis, you will note that all of the articles are from left leaning publications and are not favorable to President Trump's policies.  Yet, here we are Ms. Curtis.

In ending, I will point out, in your Twitter posting, you accused Mr. Trump of "ARROGANCE. HUBRIS. NARCISSISM. RAGE. EGO. IMMATURITY and ... UNSTABLE IDIOCY".  These are your words and accents, not mine.  You may want to take a step back, especially on the RAGE part.  In fact, posting without doing due diligence on such a subject with a high profile public persona, such as yourself, should caution MATURITY and STABILITY on your part.

In the South, there is a saying, whenever someone behaves in an idiotic or stupid fashion and it's "You're showing your ass.".  I let you infer my meaning, as you please.

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