Recently, Navy Petty Officer, Kristian Saucier received a Pardon from President Trump. What was the horrible crime that the Petty Officer committed? While serving aboard the USS Alexandra, a nuclear submarine, he took six (6) pictures on his cell phone. His intent was for personal use, to show his grand kids one day where he served in the Navy and what he did. Because the areas were designated classified and he compounded his troubles when he destroyed his computer, he was found guilty and sent to Federal prison with a two year sentence and a $100 fine.
He served one year and was release back in September 2017. I had the pleasure of interviewing Kris shortly after his release. Listen in here:
This article explains why President Trump chose to pardon Kris, rather nicely:
Because Hillary was never prosecuted: Trump pardons ex-Navy sailor sentenced for photos taken of his submarine
Now, please tell me why he served time for 6 classified documents and destroying the computer to hide evidence is any different than Hillary Clinton saving classified documents on an unsecured private server, forwarding many of those classified documents to unauthorized individuals and destroying her smart devices and hard drives to hide the evidence? Hmmmm, 6 classified pictures and one laptop versus over 33,000 emails and several devises destroyed? I'd say that was un-equal protection under the law. Elitist Hillary Clinton treated with kit gloves while the poor military kid has the book thrown at him is not equal and fair.
I posted a link to a fundraiser on my Facebook page to help the Saucier Family, because they have been financially devastated by the entire episode. The responses, I received, would amaze and possibly amuse you.
And, yes, I know in my responses I incorrectly said it was ONE picture, it really was 6 pictures.
The following conversations then took place on Facebook:
Zack Johnson Oh my gosh, how much longer are you going to talk about Hillary? Give it a rest, already.
Southern Sense If
the courts have not given up yet, neither will I. It was the left
leaning District Court of DC who said the DOJ didn't go far enough in
it's investigation. The case is still open!
Zack Johnson Southern Sense No, it's not.
Southern Sense Oh
really? Than why did an Obama appointed US District Court Judge in DC
rule that the DOJ did not adequately investigate Clinton's Emails or
Benghazi? BTW - Newsweek is hardly friendly to Republicans.
The investigation is still ongoing today! Don't forget this past week
FBI Agent Peter Strzok admitted to deliberately sidetracking the
investigation. It isn't over yet!
Zack Johnson Southern Sense
All that's going to come of any of this is some mild reprimanding at
best. Also, that article is from August of last year and has to do with
communications pertaining to Benghazi.
Zack Johnson Southern Sense
Hillary was already roasted in front of the congressional committee
years ago, which is almost literally the worst thing a person can go
I don't know if you've seen one of these hearings, but it's not fun having the nation's be...See More
I don't know if you've seen one of these hearings, but it's not fun having the nation's be...See More
Southern Sense My
fear is that you are right that she'll skate again. Meanwhile, because
he didn't have the political gravitas that Hillary has justice was not
equally applied. He does one year of hard Federal time and she gets a
slap on the wrist and 4 Americans are still dead because she failed to
act. Her emails if all are ever released will back up that fact as the
survivors have already testified to.
Zack Johnson Southern Sense First
thing I would do, stop focusing on Hillary, our poor immigration
policies which should just be fixed, xenophobia, and gun control (which
is really not a big deal because no policies are taking away peoples'
Focus instead on things like the improving economy and Donald Trump seeming to actually make progress with North Korea. Highlighting inaction of Democrats on immigration is fine as well. They are to blame for not fighting harder.
Focus instead on things like the improving economy and Donald Trump seeming to actually make progress with North Korea. Highlighting inaction of Democrats on immigration is fine as well. They are to blame for not fighting harder.
Zack Johnson Southern SenseI
think we can all agree Hillary and the DNC deserve more than a slap on
the wrist. However, let's be careful not to compare apples to oranges.
Members of our military are subordinates in service. They are tried by
military court. Our politicians largely
have executive privilege. You can't put a politician in jail for failing
to act, unlike those LEOs or military service members.
The best thing you and I can do is make sure the top-ranking members of the DNC swiftly get booted out of office. They lied and organized against Bernie Sanders, who may not have been a great President, but he would have been a more worthy opponent to Trump.
The best thing you and I can do is make sure the top-ranking members of the DNC swiftly get booted out of office. They lied and organized against Bernie Sanders, who may not have been a great President, but he would have been a more worthy opponent to Trump.
Southern Sense Zack,
we are multifaceted people and concentrate on numerous subjects. The
point of this post was to congratulate Kristian on receiving his pardon
and the unequal application of the law, which must be addressed. The
Constitution provide "Equal Protection"
under the law, yet time again, the privilege get by while those of us
"peons" pay the harshest price. Visit any prison and see the disparity.
I know, since I've seen it 1st hand as a cop.
Southern Sense Zack Johnson Kristian
was charged under the very same law that Hillary violated and the
penalty, had the Military chose, would have been a reprimand and
possible dismissal from service. However, they chose the strictest
penalty of Federal time. Kris and I
personally discussed his case for over an hour, one on one. One photo
does not compare to over 33K unsecured emails and four dead Americans. I
commend you for helping to change the DNC. Both parties need a
complete overhaul. Both are corrupt! Maybe we can return to a more
gentler America one day, where we can once again have civil
conversations and agree to disagree and still remain friends.
Sherrel Curtis "Southern
Sense" Perfect handle to tie Hillary Clinton to this situation would
be Southern Nonsense. Typical republican response. Deflect! I have no
idea what happened to this young man or the charges. If he has a young
family, it's good that he can go on with his life. It's just too bad
that you don't afford the same courtesy to other people. You are
Southern Sense Thank
you for your reply - Bless your heart. However, before you shoot off
your mouth and insult people, get your facts straight! Petty Officer
Saucier spent a year in Federal prison for violating the Secrecy Act
when he took a single picture inside of a
Nuclear Submarine. He did not post it or give it to anyone, yet, he
was convicted of having Top Security material in violation of that act.
Hillary Clinton violated the Secrecy Act when she had Top Secret
material on a private server, not a government server or even a server
monitored by the government. Her server was hacked by Russia and that
information was available to our enemies. Petty Officer Saucier dd not
make this photo available to anyone, nor did he compromise the security
of our nation. Hillary Clinton did. Kristian Saucier paid a stiff
penalty for a foolish act. Hillary Clinton has yet to pay for her
massive and blatant disregard for national security protocols and laws.
These are not mere speculations or frivolous allegations, they are
facts still under federal investigation. Newsweek, which IS NOT a FAR
RIGHT magazine posted this article:
U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta is an Obama appointee, in the
Left Leaning District Court out of DC. Your fellow Liberals are
saying she broke the law! So who is pathetic now?
Sherrel Curtis I'm
not sure what that young man did or did not do. I never heard of him.
He did accept the pardon. In doing that, he is acknowledging his
crime. You were the one that brought Hillary into the conversation. It
is mind numbing the number of investigations
that were done by Congress and the FBI. The last re-opening by the FBI
cost her the presidency. What was the cost - $8 million? - findings -
not enough to hang her, as you would like. I like your term "blatant
disregard". I would suggest that you direct your attention to the
current resident of the WH if you're worried about national security.
And the part about shooting my mouth off. If you consider being called
"south nonsense" an insult, I consider that a compliment. Now, I'll
really p*ss you off. You and Tammy Wynette need to go to the kitchen
and bake some cookies.
Southern Sense Bwahaha!!!!
You told me to shut up, now to bake cookies??? And you call yourself
fair minded? I do take it as a complete compliment when people such as
yourself insult me. It means that you have no valid argument and only
can retort with insults. Thank you for making my day and helping me to
keep my New Year's Resolution for three years running - To piss off one
Liberal a day!
Sherrel Curtis Do
you suffer from masochism or are you just ignorant? You're the one
that's p*ssed off. Kristian went to jail-Waaaaaa. Hillary didn't
-Waaaaaa. PS Where did I tell you to shut up? Can't you talk and bake
cookies at the same time?
Southern Sense Oh,
so sorry, you're the one who called me pathetic. My bad. But your
trolling of my page to make your pathetic arguments is weak. And no, I
have never suffered from masochism, but if want to continue this debate,
it may prove that you do. You posted
on my timeline, I did not got to your page and attack you. Also, you
seem to have even failed to look up the story on Petty Officer Saucier
or read the latest updates on the Clinton Investigations that are
ongoing. Facts don't lie. Unequal application of the law is not what
our national was founded upon. You can't have one set of ruls for the
elite and another for the everyday man. That is not a Democratically
elected Republic, it is tyranny!
Southern Sense Did you even click on the link I sent you? Or look up Peter Strzok?
Southern Sense Is this your Blame Bush Administration moment?
Steven Privett Trump should build his wall with Hillary's emails since no one can seem to get over them.
Southern Sense Not a bad idea, since the sheer volume still missing would be excellent material to scare illegals away from the fence.
Kristee Koziol Bylls Why don't you shut your mouth and show some thankfulness.
Melissa Miracle Mocogni Southern Nonsense....bless your hearts y'all. #hurryupmueller
Elaine MacLeod Parker No thanks
Southern Sense No
thanks? Why? That a wrong was righted? Did General Petraus or Flynn
go to Federal Prison for one year for exposing classified documents?
No! Has Hillary yet been prosecuted for her flagrant disregard for
national security in direct violation of
the Security Act? No, not yet! So if you are a political bigwig you
walk scott free, but if you are a lowly Petty Officer, the book is
thrown at you? Just where is the Equal Protect Under The Law, that the
Constitution provides? if you send to Federal Prison a mere Petty
Officer for a single photograph, than what should be the penalty for
over 33K emails and counting?
Paula Williams Hilary shood pay for her crimes of war..
UPDATE: Latest posting by an attacker:
UPDATE: Latest posting by an attacker:
Sherrel Curtis This
is going to end this conversation. It's amazing what you can find on
the internet. Whatever information that coincides with your point of
view is there for the asking. Nothing anyone says to you will make you
think differently. What I can'f figure out is, for being a law and
order, equal treatment under the law, person why you are not as
concerned about what is happening with the current administration.
Here's another word for you - myopic.
Southern Sense Myopic
does describe you perfectly. I'm glad you know it's meaning.
Furthermore, you sought me out, I didn't look for you. You must lead a
very boring life if the highlight of your day is losing a debate to me.
As for sources I cited, the are liberal leaning, like you and not kind
to conservatives as myself. It's your crowd providing verification to
the facts I cited you. I am glad you have decided that was your last
word. You attack me on my page, I will defend myself vigorously. At
least, I am civil enough to not intrude on your Facebook page and
belittle you. Have a nice night!
((*** Side note - You will notice I can lose patience with blissful idiots.))
ANOTHER UPDATE: Zake won't give up!
Zack Johnson Southern Sense I think we can all agree Hillary and the DNC deserve more than a slap on the wrist. However, let's be careful not to compare apples to oranges. Members of our military are subordinates in service. They are tried by military court. Our politicians largely have executive privilege. You can't put a politician in jail for failing to act, unlike those LEOs or military service members.
The best thing you and I can do is make sure the top-ranking members of the DNC swiftly get booted out of office. They lied and organized against Bernie Sanders, who may not have been a great President, but he would have been a more worthy opponent to Trump.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Zake won't give up!
Zack Johnson Southern Sense I think we can all agree Hillary and the DNC deserve more than a slap on the wrist. However, let's be careful not to compare apples to oranges. Members of our military are subordinates in service. They are tried by military court. Our politicians largely have executive privilege. You can't put a politician in jail for failing to act, unlike those LEOs or military service members.
The best thing you and I can do is make sure the top-ranking members of the DNC swiftly get booted out of office. They lied and organized against Bernie Sanders, who may not have been a great President, but he would have been a more worthy opponent to Trump.
Kel Fritzi "I
don't know if you've seen one of these hearings, but it's not fun
having the nation's best lawyers bombard you with questions, fully
knowing almost nothing is out of bounds for them and that they have near
absolute power over processing your judgement should they find
Oy vey! Are you for real, Pal!?
Oy vey! Are you for real, Pal!?

Southern Sense Kel Fritzi LOL!!! You rock sis!
Zack Johnson Kel Fritzi I'm sorry, what's the joke?
Southern Sense In
your Ivory Halls, everyone gets treated equally and accorded the same
rights and opportunity. While this is what our founding fathers has
hoped for, they knew that it is impossible. Yet, they tried to
establish a system as near to equality under t...See More
Zack Johnson Southern Sense Hillary didn't go around taking pictures of a nuclear submarine.
Southern Sense No,
she did worse. Our national security, military men and women and those
serving overseas in government jobs were put at risk because of her
unsecured server and emails. 6 pictures by Saucier is nothing compared
to over 33,000 emails, many of which were Classified she compromised.
How many operations and personnel were put in jeopardy by Clinton's
blatant disregard for the law? We don't know, yet. While Saucier also
broke the same law, he put NO ONE at risk.
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