Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Keeping The Faith with Bruce Nathan Florida's Next Governor and Ron MacDonald 05/29 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative Podcasts

Keeping The Faith with Bruce Nathan Florida's Next Governor and Ron MacDonald 05/29 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative Podcasts:

Southern Sense is conservative talk with Annie "The Radio Chick" Ubelis, host and "CS" Bennett. Informative, fun, irreverent and politically incorrect, you never know where we'll go, but you'll love the journey! Southern-Sense.com

Bruce Nathan believes that elected officials should not live in an ivory tower and as Governor he will open satellite offices to increase his ability to meet with all who want to share their thoughts and ideas on the issues facing our country today. He is running for governor of Florida. brucenathan2018

Ron MacDonald - author/photographer The Arlington Anthology Arlington National Cemetery. Upon these hollowed grounds are buried some of our nation's finest from as far back as the Revolutionary War. Some 310,000 men and women call Arlington their final resting place. Here lie two of our nation's Presidents, honored statesmen, explorers, literary figures, Chief Justices, and Astronauts. From Generals and Admirals to some 3,800 former slaves who fled to freedom. Their stories beg to be heard, stories of courage against insurmountable odds, of love and country, and of sacrifice. Stories of hopes and dreams and choices made during adversity.

It is thru these stories that we to can learn that one person can make a difference and
that thru valor and bravery the course of this country and the life of
each and every one of us has been changed. These noble souls, who reside
here, still live with us, and bid us to think of life, not death.

Dedication: In Honor of Memorial Day and the men and women who served.

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