Friday, January 24, 2020

Fighting A Toxic Culture 01/24 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative

Fighting A Toxic Culture 01/24 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative:

Southern Sense is conservative talk with Annie "The Radio Chick" Ubelis and "CS" Bennett. Informative, fun, irreverent and politically incorrect, you never know where we'll go, but you'll love the journey!


Liz Harrington, RNC Spokeswoman, she was a senior writer the Washington Free Beacon, with television and radio experience.

Mark Robinson, Candidate for NC Lt. Governor. Mark's life changed when he stood up against the Greensboro City Council. Since that day, he has served on the NRA National Outreach Board, appeared on Fox and Friends, and interviewed by Lara Trump. He traveled the nation spreading the conservative message. markrobinsonfornc

Clarence McKee has an extensive background of accomplishment and expertise in law, media, corporate, government, legislative, international and political affairs. He is particularly skilled in the effective use of electronic and print media.

Lauren Boebert, Restaurant owner-her waitresses open carry, she is a Colorado gun owner who is running for Congress. laurenforcolorado

James Simpson, author of the Red/Green Axis

Dedication: Cook, Third Class Doris Miller killed on November 24, 1943, during the the Battle of Tarawa,

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