Friday, May 15, 2020

Is China Winning Globally? Is COVID-19 Mutating? 05/15 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative

Is China Winning Globally? Is COVID-19 Mutating? 05/15 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative:


Mandi Merritt, RNC Press Secretary

 Brig. Gen. Robert S. Spalding (USAF Ret.) a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, focusing on U.S.-China relations, economic and national security, and the Asia-Pacific military balance. He is the author of the book, Stealth War: How China Took Over While America's Elite Slept.

Dr. Dean Hart, expert in microbiology and published author on the transmission of viruses and diseases, and its impact on major metropolitan and major urban centers. He was an Associate Research Scientist and Assistant Professor at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Bill Whittle President/CEO Owner of BillWhittle, co-host of Right Angle and Bill Whittle Now, and host of The Stratosphere Lounge. Bill is married and lives on the outskirts of Mordor.

Zack Smith is a legal fellow in the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation

Dedication: US Firefighters who died in service from the COVID-19 Virus.

Dedication: US Firefighters who died in service from the COVID-19 Virus. 

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