Friday, July 17, 2020

Old Glory, Love It or Lose It - Battle for America 07/17 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative

Old Glory, Love It or Lose It - Battle for America 07/17 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative


GySgt. Jessie Jane Duff, USMC, ret. is Veterans for Trump co-chair and Women for Trump advisory board member

Vann Morris
the Orator, is a former nuclear ballistic missile Submariner,
Afghanistan combat Veteran, and retired U.S. Navy Surface Warfare
Officer. He holds a Masters in Business Admin. from the Naval
Postgraduate School & Bachelors of Science degree in Engineering
Technology from the University of Memphis.

Kathy Barnette Appearing regularly on National TV & Radio, her book “Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America” explains why liberal policies have failed the black community. She is running for Congress out of PA-D4 

LaTanya Peterson
is an education professional and community advocate in Florida. She
recently joined the Clay County Sheriff’s Office where she assists as
the “Planning and Research Specialist.”

Heritage Foundation Hans von Spakovsky is
an attorney and former member of the Federal Election Commission. He's
manager of the Heritage's Election Law Reform Initiative and a senior
fellow in Heritage's Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies.

Dedication: Master Sgt. Andrew ‘Andy’ Christian Marckesano after almost a dozen combat tours died July 6, 2020 & SSgt Allen Thomas who died in 2013.

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