July 4th patriotic celebrations create more Republicans, Harvard study warns - latimes.com
How ironic, on this weekend the 235th birthday of these United States of America, that Progressives attempt to steal and squash the spirit that gave rise to this great Nation! Oh shame upon those God Loving, Gun Toting Patriotic Americans! How dare they respond by practicing good moral principles, strong conservative family values and love this Republic built upon the Constitution!
How horrible that Pomp and Circumstance elicit pride in self-reliance, freedom and independence, not of just the Nation, but of the individual!
Well all of you horrible Republicans, you Right-Wing nut job Conservatives, you Racist Tea-Baggers, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!
Keep on brainwashing your children by taking them to July 4th Parades, picnics and Fireworks!
Keep on teaching them to love God and Country! How dare you!
Keep on teaching them your core moral and family values! Don't worry, we'll change that when they hit colleges like Harvard!
Keep it up! You'll be sorry! You'll only create another Ronald Reagan or Margaret Thatcher!
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