Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Will you help advance the fight or sit home?

This coming Tuesday, May 7th our battle to advance the Conservative Cause in the US House of Representatives continues with the Special Election in South Carolina District 1.  The candidates are Democrat Elizabeth Colbert-Busch and Republican Mark Sanford.  The decision should be clear, but the waters have been muddied by main stream media and political pundits.

There is no reason the Libertarians, Independents, Conservatives and Republicans shouldn't get behind Mark Sanford, but we seem to need to bring Republicans to the polls kicking and screaming.  Let's see if we can calm these temper tantrums and speak logically and bring it down to six main points, they are:

  1. Mark Sanford did not get the support of the National Republican Congressional Committee which dates back to 1866.  This first and foremost should be the reason we must support and vote for him.  He is not a Washington insider, but he knows Washington as well as they do and they fear him.  He makes the RINO's (Republican In Name Only) apocalytic! He will make enemies, but when he joins forces with Mick Mulvaney and Trey Goudy, they will weld a powerful block of power on behalf of the 1st District in Congress.
  2. Mark Sanford has garnered the endorsement of Rand Paul and other conservative leaders and groups.
  3. Mark Sanford has a proven track record as a fiscal conservative.  He angered the RINO's in the State House by challenging them to cut pork from the state budget by showing up with the two piglets "Pork" and "Barrel".  Yes, it was a publicity stunt, but he poignantly got the point across.  You have to love his originality and courage to buck the "Old Boy's Network".  His ability to tangle with the RINOs in this state's Congress helped South Carolina rein in a runaway budget and enact state legislation to prevent and hinder Federal intrusion.  It speaks volumes.
  4. Yes, Ethic Violations were leveled against Governor Sanford.  However, he publicly stated, that in line with his fiscal conservative policy, he would not fight the charges, in order to save the State the cost of a trial and to avoid unnecessary extended publicity.  The charges were neither proven or disproved.  Which would you have preferred? A protracted drawn out public media circus over a trial  at great taxpayer expense? Or a swift end of the incident with repayment of all budget expenses and fines, which enabled our elected officials to continue to concentrate of the budget and pending legislation.
  5. Yes, Mark Sanford had an affair. If having an affair was criminal, half of the married couples would find their spouse in jail.  He has been compared to Bill Clinton by his opponent who inferred he should have been impeached.  We are talking apples and oranges.  Mark Sanford sinned, but he did not commit a crime.  Bill Clinton, not only sinned, he committed a crime. President Clinton was impeached for the criminal act of lying under oath.  He was found guilty of perjury.  Mark Sanford did not perjured himself.  He did not commit a crime. He has been out spoken, honest and repentant about the incident.
  6. Recently, charges were leveled against Mark Sanford of violating an order of protection issued to his wife against him preventing him from entering her home.  The incident centered around he escorting his son home on Superbowl Sunday at Half-Time.  Rather than leave his son home alone because his wife was out of time, he attempted to call her on his cell and remained so his son would not be at home, alone watching the game.  Now tell me, who has not had difficult relationships and break-ups?  Divorces are nasty and messy.  Often innocent events get grossly blown out of proportion.  That said, an even more serious question should be asked.  Who violated a court order that sealed the document?  Who committed a crime to publicly expose the incident to derail Mark Sanford's campaign? Why is this crime not being investigated and the culprit brought to justice?
The Progressives are watching this race closely.  Nancy Pelosi has poured funds into Elizabeth Colbert-Busch's campaign in the tune of over $300,000, yet Mrs. Busch claims she will be independent.  Nancy Pelosi has already begun her campaign to regain the Speakers Chair.  For those who say they cannot vote for Mark Sanford, remember this, if you fail to vote then you have helped cast a vote for Colbert-Busch and thus aided Nancy Pelosi in her agenda.

The final question is, if a Nation can forgive Bill Clinton his sins and re-elect him to a second term, then what is stopping us for forgiving Mark Sanford his sins and making him work hard for the Conservative issues?

I for one am voting this Tuesday, will you and help us retain the House of Representatives?

Monday, April 29, 2013

Defending The Republic with Michael Finch 04/30 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

Defending The Republic with Michael Finch 04/30 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

Is it Islamophobia or reality?

This show is dedicated to: Navy Commander Robert D. Kemper, who attained the rank of commander, was killed on March 3, 1971, during a training flight out of Naval Air Station Meridian in Mississippi, where he was stationed.
Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "Cool" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.
Special Guest: Michael Finch, President of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and a frequent contributor to thier magazine FrontPageMag.com. He is also the former Vice President of the Claremount Institute.
It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Republic!

Friday, April 26, 2013


Defending The Republic with Sheri Few 04/26 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

 We are FEATURED Today! 

If you think our educational system is safe, then you better listen! It effects even those of us without children in school! It affects, YES, YOU!

We have a battle here in SC that few know about and over this past week I've educated myself. It's centered on SC HB 3983 and we seek to stop "Common Core Standards" in our schools. The bill is coming up on the State floor for a 2nd and 3rd reading on Tuesday & Wednesday next week.
If that fails, then the bill is killed in this session. However, if it does fail, we will fight to resurrect it in the next session.

I had the founder Sheri Few on my show today. http://lnkd.in/sQbFqi Check out http://www.SCPIE.org

Help bring this onto the floor. Ask Mike Zais for a Cost Analysis. Texas did one and it will cost BILLIONS! It's an unfunded mandate from Congress!

Don't worry, if you miss the live broadcast, the PODCAST is available immediately afterward to listen to, download and pass it on! SPREAD THE WORD - OUR FUTURE IS AT RISK ONE CHILD BY ONE CHILD AT A TIME!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Defending The Republic with Robyn Walensky 04/23 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

Defending The Republic with Robyn Walensky 04/23 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio



This show is dedicated to: Capt. James Michael Steel, 29, of Tampa, Fla., died April 3 in the crash of an F-16 near Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan

Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "Cool" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.

Special Guest: Robyn Walensky.

Robyn’s veteran news career has included extensive coverage of crime, terrorism, politics and other breaking news and spanned more than 20 years on both radio and television. She’s also the published co-author of

Covering Catastrophe: Broadcast Journalists Report 9-11-01 reporting extensively on both the World Trade Center bombing of 1993 and the 9/11 attacks on New York in 2001. In addition to these memorable headlines, Robyn has been at the center of covering some of the last decade’s biggest stories, including the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba, the shootings at Virginia Tech University, the BP Gulf oil spill, OJ Simpson’s arrest and theft conviction in Las Vegas and extensive political coverage from the presidential campaign trail and political conventions since 1992.

It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Republic!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Sharia in America

Defending The Republic with Tom Trento 04/19 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

Can Islam live in America under our Constitution? By all looks, it can not.  Then why are activist Judges violating the Constitution and imposing Sharia in America?  Click on the above link and hear our viewpoint as we interview Tom Trento.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Defending The Republic with Elizabeth Letchworth 04/16 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

Defending The Republic with Elizabeth Letchworth 04/16 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

This show is dedicated to: Chief Warrant Officer 2 Michael S. Duskin, 42, of Orange Park, Fla., died Tuesday, October 23, 2012,  from wounds suffered in Wardak province.

Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "Cool" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.
Special Guest: Elizabeth Letchworth.  Letchworth worked in the U.S. Senate for 26 years, serving as Secretary of the Senate from 1995-2001. Fueled by her passion for politics, she founded Gradegov.com, a site that empowers citizens to voice their opinions on elected officials. On her BTR show, Elizabeth provides updated reviews of members of Congress, as well as her inside scoop on Congress in general and other political issues.
It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Republic!
You never know what we'll talk about: conservative, constitution, freedom, liberty, obama, tea party, gun control, republican, libertarian, stop white guilt, word

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Defending The Republic with L. Todd Wood 04/12 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

Defending The Republic with L. Todd Wood 04/12 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

Is our government acting in the Nation's best interest financially?  Are we facing a two prong approach by our enemies which is economically and militarily? Can we defend ourselves?  Are we ready?

All of these questions are in the fantastic new fiction "Currency" by L. Todd Wood.  He skillfully ties historical events, current events and a fictional future into an intriguing  thriller.

Join us tomorrow at 2pm EST as we speak with the author, former Special Ops and financial wizard.

Monday, April 8, 2013

NASCAR Driver Joel Willman Racing For PTSD Retreat 04/09 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

NASCAR Driver Joel Willman Racing For PTSD Retreat 04/09 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

Help us help the Military men & women who have sacrificed everything for us.   They gave their all and have returned with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  Give just a little of your time to listen in, learn and help.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Do you know the answer to this riddle?

I was sitting in my Archie Bunker chair feeling miserable with the flu, when a friend forwarded a chain email letter.  You know, one of those that has been forwarded through who knows how many other people and in the end tells you to forward it to ten other people.

The emails usually attribute a quote from Andy Rooney or Paul Harvey and 90% are often wrong when they do.  In this case Paul Harvey was attributed with something Lee Pitts wrote in his 1995 book "People Who Live At The End Of  Dirt Roads".  But, I scrolled down to the end anyway.

At the end was a riddle, which read, "What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?".  As I sat there feeling miserable hoping I would feel better for church tomorrow, this first thought that popped into my head was, "That's stupid, there's nothing greater than God!", then the light bulb went off.

I know the answer - It's NOTHING!
Nothing is greater than God,
Nothing is more evil than the Devil,
The poor have Nothing,
The rich need Nothing,
If you eat Nothing, you will die! 

To answer the riddle, you only need to believe in God and know
that God is the Alpha and Omega, therefor, nothing can be greater than he.  Once you hold that in your heart all of the other questions answer themselves.   Somehow, I started to feel just a little bit better and I knew God was with me always.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Why I won't support Gay Marriage - Don't get angry yet, read on!

Have you read the 1st Amendment to our Constitution, the Supreme Law of our land?  If not, I'll help you (forgive the sarcasm):

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Notice, please the section in RED.  I shall reiterate "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; (of religion).

Now, I'll explain, simply Marriage is a RELIGIOUS RITE, not a governmental function.  CIVIL UNIONS, of which you receive a "Marriage License, which in fact is a CIVIL UNION CERTIFICATE" is governments function.

Simply put, Marriage is Religious.

Civil Unions are Government recognized and subject to all of the rights, benefits and legal ramifications that can not and must not fall under a religious ceremony/rite.

Couples may and do CIVILLY UNITE outside of religious institutions.  Couples unite outside of GOVERNMENT SANCTIONS and are prohibited from receiving the benefits, which the Rainbow League claims to be fighting for.  They unite BY CHOICE for various and inconceivable reasons. They also marry outside of religious institutions - The Civil license which you purchase, that document you get at town hall!  A civil contract between two people to share their lives, assets, child & pet custody.

Marriage is a Religious Rite, where two people agree to unite their souls, hearts and lives under the eyes of God within their Church, Temple, Mosque or Shrine.  One is spiritual - Marriage, the other legal - Civil Unions.

This is the heart of the Gay Marriage issue.  The overthrow of religions and the implementation of government authority over God.

They are attempting to force us to accept the Marriage in place of the Civil Union recognition.  By altering state laws and federal laws, Civil Unions as each state recognizes covers the inheritance benefits of ALL COUPLES, regardless of sexual preference.  The local license issued to recognize that union should be proof enough.  It is not.  By redefining Marriage, you redefine all religions and place them now under government control and regulation.

The calling for Marriage alters the definition BY LAW of a religious rite.  In effect, they redefine a religion by telling all religions what a Marriage is by law.  Therefore, if a religion  recognizes same sex unions as unacceptable in the eyes of God, but is tolerant in society, government has the power to FORCE them to perform same sex marriage.  They can dictate and police your chosen religion!

If you think I am wrong, look to New Jersey, where a Christian organization denied a same sex couple access to their property so they may be married.  A Judge ruled in favor of the couple, stating that social justice must trump religious belief.  This is wrong not only in it's violation of the 1st Amendment which I quoted at the beginning of this rant, but also violated property rights.  Government can now tell you what activities can and can not be performed on your private property.  Finally, what about free speech, to vocally debate ANY issue without penalty?

I do not hate gays/lesbians or anyone else.  I do object when they attempt overtake my religion by imposing their dictates and mores.  It is not just Christianity, of which I am a proud member, but Judaism, Islam and all others, for which I speak.  They should also speak out & NOW!

Government has no business in defining a religions belief, they have no Constitutional basis in defining marriage.  The LEGAL recourse is the recognition of Civil Unions.  If a religion DOES recognize same sex unions, then THEY can perform that marriage, just don't demand my church does so! 

So, I say, what about you?


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Met the Internet Thomas Paine: Bob Basso 04/05 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

Met the Internet Thomas Paine: Bob Basso 04/05 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio: his show is dedicated to: General Joseph Warren, killed June 17, 1775 in the Battle of Bunker Hill, Charlestown, Massachuessets.

Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "Cool" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.

Special Guest: The Thomas Paine of the Internet - Bob Basso, communications specialist, speaker and author http://www.bobbasso.com/

It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Republic!

You never know what we'll talk about: conservative, constitution, freedom, liberty, obama, tea party, gun control, republican, libertarian, stop white guilt, word

Monday, April 1, 2013

Defending The Republic with Bob Siegel 04/02 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

Defending The Republic with Bob Siegel 04/02 by Southern Sense | Blog Talk Radio

This show is dedicated to: Army Capt. Sara Knutson Cullen killed in a helicopter crash, March 10, 2013 with SSgt. Steven P. Blass, CWO Bryan J. Henderson, SSgt. Marc A. Scialdo and Spec. Zachary L. Shannon in Afghanistan.

Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "Cool" Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.

Special Guest: Bob Siegel, Talk Show Host

A graduate of Denver Seminary and San Jose State University, he is a radio talk show host & popular guest speaker at churches & college campuses across the country, using a variety of media including, seminars, formal debates, outdoor open forums & one man drama presentations.

Bob grew up in a strong Jewish home, but was led to Christ while in college, through the ministry of Campus Ambassadors. (Mission To The Americas)

In addition to his own weekly radio show (KCBQ 1170, San Diego) Bob has been a guest on The 700 Club, Andy Parks, Live from the Washington Times, The Rick Amato Show, & KUSI Television's Good Morning San Diego