Tuesday, September 27, 2016

What is the Truth behind Political Islam

Podcast here:

Truth Behind Political Islam with Dr. Bill Warner and Dr. Herb London

Dedication: Deputy Sheriff Kenneth Hubert Maltby, Eastland County Sheriff's Office, TX
EOW: Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Southern Sense is conservative talk Annie "The Radio Chick" Ubelis, as host and "CS" Bennett, co-host.  Informative, fun, irreverent and politically incorrect, you never know where we'll go, but you'll love the journey! 

Visit our website at http://www.Southern-Sense.com

Guest: Bill Warner holds a PhD in physics and math, NC State University, 1968. He has been a university professor, businessman, and applied physicist.
He was a Member of the Technical Staff in solid-state physics at the Sarnoff Princeton Laboratories in the area of integrated circuit structures. During the energy crisis of the 80’s he founded and ran a company that specialized in energy efficient homes. For eight years he was a professor at Tennessee State University in the Engineering School.

Dr. Warner has had a life-long interest in religion and its effects on history. He has studied the source texts of the major religions for decades. Even before the destruction of the World Trade Center he had predicted the war between Islam and America. The day after 9/11 he decided to make the source texts of Islam available for the average person. PoliticalIslam.com

Guest: Dr. Herb London, is president of the London Center for Policy Research and the co-author of the new book, The Encyclopedia of Militant Islam.
londoncenter.org  TWITTER: @TheLCPR


Monday, September 19, 2016

Terrorists Attack on U.S. Constitution Day

Podcast player link here:
Is America Secure and Do Elections Matter? Cassie Williams & Jeffrey Stephens 09/20 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative Podcasts

It was by no mere chance that Radical Islam, Islamic Terrorists
attacked on a significant American Holiday, the day that the United
States Constitution was ratified. On Saturday, September 17th, 6 Muslims
attacked in Manhattan, New York; Sea Side, New Jersey and St. Cloud,

Yet, what were the actions of President Obama? On Saturday, he
could not bring himself to say the words, Radical Islam. But, he could
muster the courage to travel to New York City to a DNC Fundraiser. One
is quite right in being baffled by his actions.

The Feds and NYC Police are flooding the city looking for a
terrorist bomber, who is armed and dangerous and their resources are
stretched thin. Attempting to exit the city are 5 alleged
co-conspirators. An additional 5 pipe bombs are found in a knapsack near
the original Chelsea explosion. Federal Agents were blanketing three
terrorist crime scenes in three states. NYC Heliports were on lock down
and flights were restricted to regular traffic.

To further the confusion, the United Nations starts their Summit
for Refugee and Migrants today, adding to increased need for law
enforcement resources.

So, President Obama, rather than further tax NYC resources, should
have cancelled his trip. But, he does not. Hummm, what if it were
President George W. Bush, who displayed such show of arrogance.

I guess, pleasing the Democratic donors at $100K a plate for the
event chairs & co-chairs and the $25K per plate for attendees was
far more important than the citizens of New York City or the safety of
the first responders and other law enforcement personal.

Catch the podcast above and listen in to guests Cassie Williams of
FairUS.org and author Jeffrey S. Stephen of the thrillers "The Jordon
Sanders Series".

Friday, September 16, 2016

Is the Constitution Dead? 09/16 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative Podcasts

Is the Constitution Dead? 09/16 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative Podcasts

Dedication: Senior Police Officer Amir Abdul-Khaliq, Austin Police Department, Texas

End of Watch: Sunday, September 4, 2016

Southern Sense is conservative talk Annie "The Radio Chick" Ubelis, as host and "CS" Bennett, co-host.  Informative, fun, irreverent and politically incorrect, you never know where we'll go, but you'll love the journey! 

Visit our website at http://www.Southern-Sense.com

Chris Papst, is author of the new book, Devolution. Chris is a multiple Emmy-award winning investigative reporter and author of the bestseller Capital Murder: An Investigative Reporter's Hunt For Answers In A Collapsing City. He currently works at ABC 7/WJLA in Washington, DC. 2:15-3pm


Larry & Nikki White 3-4pm are TEA Party patriots
from Palm Coast, Florida who started an American Flag project since we
seem to be suffering from a patriotic deficiency thanks to a government
run educational system that is anti American and this thing called
political correctness. There are HOA (homeowners associations) who do
not even permit the flying of Ole Glory anymore. What's this country
come to?

www.theamericanflagproject.org   The Most Patriotic City in Amerca

Friday, September 9, 2016

Direction and Alliance with singer Danae & Pastor Michael Gonzalez 09/09 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative Podcasts

Direction and Alliance with singer Danae & Pastor Michael Gonzalez 09/09 by Southern Sense Talk Radio | Politics Conservative Podcasts

It's been 15 years since the Islamic terrorists attacked us on September 11, 2001.  It is not the 1st time Islam attacked the United States.  They have attacked us since our inception of these United States.  President Thomas Jefferson sent our United States Marine Corps to battle them in Tripoli, Libya.

Today, we battle them still in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Somalia and across the globe.

They have infiltrated our government, businesses and schools.  Yet, the vast majority of Americans have either turned a blind eye or are too weak to recognize the hajra.  Yes, it is an invasion and overthrow of our society and government.

We need to wake up and return to the Judeo-Christian fundalmental beliefs of our founding fathers and soon, before all is lost.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Kereakos Zuras

Kereakos Zuras

Kereakos Zuras & Eric Golub: Will America Survive The Presidential Election?


Listen in and respond here.