Tuesday, April 16, 2019

From The Ashes of Notre Dame

Yesterday, April 15, 2019 was an iconic and historic date.  It marked a pivotal point in our American history, but many may have ignored it's importance.

We stand in a historic era and great time of change.  Just ten years earlier, on this date, a new wave broke across America with the birth and rise of TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Parties.  Americans were fed up with rising socialism, expansive and intrusive government and the destruction of our founding principles that was corrupting our Republic.  With this wave came also a call of a return to our Judaeo-Christian beliefs.

After decades of decline from our founding principles and Constitutional foundation, the TEA Party helped pull them back into the public forum.  Now, on the TEA Party's 10th Anniversary, a new resurgence is awakening.  At the same time, extreme liberalism is creating a dangerous counter culture.

This week, also marks our Christian Holy Week culminating in Easter Sunday, the Resurrection of our Christ, Jesus from death for our salvation.

How ironic, and yes, I will say, it with the hand of God, that on this very date, a fire ravaged one of the most iconic symbols of Judaeo-Christian faith, the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, France.

It was the French, who fought at our side in the Revolutionary War.  They gifted us the Statue of Liberty which graces New York Harbor, welcoming visitors and legal immigrants.  It was upon the french shores of Normandy on D-Day that The Allies turned the tide of World War II.

France, whose history is entwined with ours, today, has become the most secular nation in Europe with up to 75% of their citizens who no longer identify with a religion.  Today, the United States of America remains one of the most religious of western nations.

I wonder, if during Holy Week, that God did not send up a wake up call with the fire at Notre Dame?  If in our abandonment of our Faith and embracement of liberalism, were we not sent a message?

During this week, where we contemplate the fall from grace of mankind and it's redemption into eternal salvation, we should take stock of just where we personally and as a nation stand today.

Globally, we have seen the rise of radical Islam and Sharia Law, especially in France, Germany, United Kingdom and domestically here in America.  At the same time, we have witnesses public derision of Christianity and Judaism.  We have seen our political leaders publicly make anti-Semetic statements with no repercussions or public outcry.  We have seen approximately 60 million abortions of pre-born children since the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling.  That would equal ten times the number of people murdered in the Holocaust of World War II, or fill the 2019 Super Bowl Stadium 200 times over.  Liberal states have passed legislation legalizing late term abortions.  Criminal aliens are accorded more privilege and government benefits than legal residents and citizens or military veterans.  At times, it seems we are living in a topsy-turvey age.

So, during this Holy Week, are we not sent a message, which is made more poignant with the picture of the French emergency workers as they gazed upon Notre Dame's Altar Cross, amid the burnt rubble, shining with hope and promise of redemption?

"And this house will become a heap of ruins; everyone who passes by will be astonished and hiss and say, 'Why has the LORD done thus to this land and to this house?'  1 Kings 9:8

"When you are cast down, you will speak with confidence, And the humble person He will save."  Job 22:29

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